I occasionally see people on here who are taking either Questran or Welchol. These are drugs that are occasionally prescribed off-label for Crohnies because they sequester your bile acid. What's that mean? It means you poop less. Great, huh? Well, the problem here is that these medications are prescribed for people with high cholesterol. They work great for lowering cholesterol but in the process, inhibit the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, and K as they are fat soluble vitamins. If you're a Crohnie, this is the absolute opposite of what you need.
If you absolutely must be on one of these meds (I'd suggest discussing taking psyllium husks with your doctor instead *edit* - note Dustykat's information below that psyllium can also have an affect on absorption, argh!) then, for the love of all that is holy, please supplement those vitamins and take the supplements at least 4 hours prior to taking your Welchol or Questran. And also read up on the negative interactions of vitamin A and D here so you handle that properly as well.
If you absolutely must be on one of these meds (I'd suggest discussing taking psyllium husks with your doctor instead *edit* - note Dustykat's information below that psyllium can also have an affect on absorption, argh!) then, for the love of all that is holy, please supplement those vitamins and take the supplements at least 4 hours prior to taking your Welchol or Questran. And also read up on the negative interactions of vitamin A and D here so you handle that properly as well.