Quetion on a pill

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Feb 22, 2011
Question on pills


Hope all is well and dandy with all of you. :D
I have a small question regarding medication for headaches or other pains not related to our Crohn problems. What pills or medications would you recommend or do you take when you have a headache or cramp somewhere in your body?Considering that medications that contain Ibuprofen are not good for most of us and such similar painkillers.
My pharmacist recommended Tylenol because its safe for Crohnie, but I am still curious.
Thank you and take care.. :D

kisses, Aya
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Acetaminophen based products are the best on the gut....but for me, taking a tylenol for pain is the same thing as taking a tic tac only I don't get the fresh breath.

If the pain is relatively manageable, I'll take a hot bath and put the heating pad over my tummy, heat seems to help a lot. For greater pain, I take Lortab but some doctors are very wary of giving narcotic pain meds to IBD patients.

As for a headache, I'm not sure. Thankfully I rarely get them, I can cope with Crohn's pain better than a headache!

Good luck finding some relief. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water, dehydration can cause headaches and it is an easy fix!
Yeah, I usually just relax and ride it out. Usually a nap helps.

If thats not possible and the pain is too much, I say forget it and just take Ibuprofen. I take about half the recommended dosage (usually I take 1 smaller pill, around 250mg) and see what that does to me. So far I've been lucky and the pain goes away without too much of a side effect. However, I don't get headaches all that often.

...knock on wood
Thank you so much for the advice and suggestions!<3
I usually take a nice bath or try to relax so the pain would go away too, just sometimes it gets the best of me. The other day I could not sleep without my head pounding whenever I tried to lay it on my pillow, leaving me unable to sleep. I rarely have headaches, but still if I have one, its a serious pain.
Once again thank you so much, I greatly appreciate the answers.
I do apologize for my spelling errors in the title.

kisses, Aya


Please be careful with the Ibuprofen because its not good for IBD troubled people as its noted on the drug and by even my doctor and several others, to cause intestinal and stomach bleeding which would be a bad flare for any of us.
Yep, like I said I take the smallest dosage I can find, and that is my plan Z. When nothing else works, I just suck it up and take it. It's been 3 or 4 months since I've taken some.
I get hormone related headaches like clockwork twice a month, and always used to take either ibuprofen or a paracetamol/aspirin/caffeine combo - both of which I daren't take since diagnosis.

Paracetamol on its own does nothing for me, but the tablets that combine it with caffeine are much better - caffeine enhances the analgesic effect of paracetamol. I have bought some co-codamol for if/when I need something stronger, but have not needed these yet (- not recommended for those prone to constipation).

I occasionally have problems with injury-related muscular back/neck pain, which has only been sorted out with voltarol (diclofenac), but as this is also an NSAID like ibuprofen I'm not sure what I'll do if/when that demon strikes again!