I have had crohns for over 20 years,I have had 2 bowel resections and fistula-abcess surgeries,I thought I knew what to expect from crohns after all these years,but I guess not .I went to a colorectal surgeon last Thursday.I developed a growth in the perianal area.I have never had anything like this before.The surgeon informed me it looked like cancer to him because it was so large and how it looked.I have surgery this Wednesday for him to take some biopsies.It will take about 5 days to get the results back.He told me chemo and radiation work well for this type of cancer.The pain is almost more than I can stand,because of where it is located.It gets very irritated by going to the bathroom so much.I am really trying not to freak out till the results are back but its hard.I knew something was wrong,but i kept putting off going to the Dr.thinking it would go away on its own.What scares me the most is that I have a 3 year old granddaughter and a 4 year old grandson that I love more than life itself,I will do anything to make sure I see them grow up.Has anyone else experienced this?