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May 6, 2012
Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone else has had this??
July 23 rd I have yet another resection and after this one yet another post surgical infection... And an open wound this one larger than the last, last time in took 3 months to close with daily nursing to pack the wound.... This time I was told it would be about 6 months to close this one cause of its size. So yesterday I was hooked up to a vac system.....they say the healing time would be considerately question would be has anyone else had this system and did it work????? I'm unable to start on remicade until this has healed.:yfrown:
I have of few people on here having wound vacs. Another that had this type of treatment, unrelated to abdominal surgery, was littlemissh. The wound was on her leg, this is the thread...

...they can be highly effective at healing wounds as they apply a continuous negative pressure to the area that draws fluid, and muck, away from the wound and increases the blood flow.

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Thank you all very much, I was not sure if anyone would know what I was talking about, but with all the surgeries on this site I figured someone must know, thank you again this helped. :)
Mama and Mac,
Hi, This is Jim (Pops) I had a wound vac last Dec. For a month +. they do speed up the healing. Just keep a eye out for signs of infection because they only change the dresing every 2-3 days. If you see a change in the color of the floud coming out, like TAN or light green, make sure you call the wound care people and have them look at it. I know, sometimes the Vac is a pain in the you know what and it does give you some minor pain at times but it does do the job. 6 months sounds like a long time but the time will go by fast and it will heal. even with the vac for sometime my wound took over 7 months before I could go without any bandage. I hated it , but it is what it is. The reason I had the vac is because I had a emery. resection when they went in to take out my appendix and found crohns, I didn't even know that I had it, and 7 days latter the resection came apart and I went septic so they had to go back in and they stappeled me and I started having wound issues with part of the abdomanal wound so they put a vac on it, THEN after having it for about 6 weeks (untill Dec. 31st) my pention provider said that they no longer would let me have the Insurance Co I had and had to change to United Health Care and my policy took effect on Jan 1st but I couldn't get ANYONE at United to auth. anything untill around the 25th of Jan. So, a long story short, they took away the vac on the 1st of Jan. I had to take care of the wound MYSELF without home healthcare that I was getting up untill the 31st of Dec. During that time my wound got infected and things were a mess. I went back into the hospital for 2 days for IV antibiotics and pushed out the door with a jar of pills. I finily got some good Dr. in United Health Cares system and got everything taken care of, but I have to say that there was some real trying times. Like I said it took over 7 months for the wound to heal, but if the vac was left in place it would have taken 1/2 that time.
On Aug. 1st the ileostomy I got when I went septic was reversed. SO, I'm 4 weeks post op with my reversal. I'm glad that I don't have the bag anymore but getting a reversal is "No walk in the park" The first two weeks were very good but the 3rd week was bad, I couldn't get anything to move out, no BM's, now, after stepping back and talking with my Dr and a dietition things are looking up. It takes a while for your colon to wake up and thing to get back to normal, what ever that is.
Sorry for going on and on but thats just me. I'm sure that the wound Vac will speed up your healing and I hope that it doesn't take 6 months. Eat alot of protin, eat well, take Vit. "C" and B12, they both help with healing.
I wish you the best and will pray for you to heal well and fast. I know first hand how old it can get having a open wound, but keep your head up and remmber that it WILL be over at some point.
From one crohny to another crohny, I don't know you but I do love you as a person and want you to get well soon.
Love Pops.
Thank you pops so very much, it is so nice to hear from someone that knows what is happening to me, I also had a illeostomy reversed, and you are right no walk in the park.
After dealing with cronh's for over 20 years now, I'm still surprised at everything that can go wrong and nothing NOTHING is ever simple....... Have a wonderful day and thank you again :)

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