Scared and need advice....blockage?? incomplete colonscopy again!!!!!!!!

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Jul 28, 2009
Its been a while since I last checked in! As most of you know im not diagnosed with anything yet and am in the process of having tests.
I am now seeing a lovely consultant who actually listened to me and agreed something was wrong and it needed investigating. I had a second attempt at a colonoscopy 2 weeks ago and the same problem happened, its got stuck at my sigmoid?? Which I believe is the first turn?? The consultant who performed it is amazing and I know if he couldn’t get round no one can. I was sedated but I remember it hurting so much as he was trying to get it through. He came round to speak to us after, I was half asleep so cant remember any of the conversation but Mum said he said my bowel was a mystery and he really didn’t want to speculate about what the problem is. He said its possible there is an area of crohns behind it? I am scheduled for a scan this Thursday but since the procedure I have been experiencing more pain after I eat pretty much anything and terrible nausea, its like the feeling of being sea sick! I nearly called the consultant yesterday as im scared im developing a blockage, I guess I just cant understand how they cant get the scope through yet all be it runny stools, I can go to the toilet. I didn’t go at all yesterday which scared me but I have been this morning and there is streaks of blood almost every time.

I stupidly have looked on the internet and all sorts of horrible things like cancer or volvous keep coming up and im terrified especially as my symptoms seem to be worsening.

I guess I just need some reassurance…

Has anyone been in this position before??? xx
Hi Clover, sorry you are going through some scary stuff right now. I too have been in your corner many times. Many scopes they couldnt get through and sometimes is means alot of inflammation, or you could have a stricture/narrowing in that area. I am put right out for my colonoscopies so I dont know if he does get through or not til after I wake up. Many times he would say he couldnt get through the exact same spot. Hit or miss sometimes. The actual scope line is thicker than a pencil, I saw them hanging whilst waiting for my scope.

My advice (in my experience) diahreah can get through anything but if you are vomiting that is usually a sign of a blockage. The blood could be from his trying to get through your intestines. I would stick to smoothie drinks, and ensure til after your Scan. It is not cancer, very rare and try to stay calm. Your scan should reveal any narrowing. Not sure what country you are from but they are coming up with knew procedures for scans now, easier to read them. You are going to be fine, Crohn's isnt a pretty disease and since we are all different we feel things differently. Hang in there until your scan. Keep us posted, and stay with us! Hugs and luck!
Jettalady, thanks so much for your reply. It has really helped put my mind at ease as I was really starting to panic.

The consultant didnt mention narrowing or a stricture he just said a kink but cant see beyond it so i guess he doesnt really know what it is? Is that what a stricture is?

I remember my Gi saying the exact same thing, there was a kink. A scan will tell more of the story.. meanwhile dont eat meat or things that are hard to digest. Hang in there! A stricture is a spot where not much can through.
Thanks Jettalady.

The weird thing is the kink is at the first turn, sigmoid?? which is lower left side. I get no pain there, its all central and lower right side. Does that make sense?

did you end up having to have surgery?

Im from the UK and having an MRI scan, will that show a stricture if it is one? x
I had my kink on the LRQ. Yes I had two resections but even last year or two years ago, my gi said once he gave me my second scope he was able to get through and no narrowing. My Ulcers were causing alot of pain. Vomiting is one of the signs of a partial blockage, but some medications can help that. I havent vomited in a couple of years, only once when I was stupid and ate popcorn. Try not to surmize ok, I am bad for that too, it never seems as bad as we are thinking. When is your CT scan?
Scan is Thursday so only two days to wait.

I have never vomited so I guess thats a good sign? I do feel terribly sick like i need to but i never have.

I am not really a panicker by nature, its only since i starting reading the internet that i scared myself.

thanks so much for your advice, its made me feel so much better.
I rarely get information from the internet unless it is a reliable sight. Most doctors will tell you not to read everything you see and believe it. I think you just may have some inflammation and that will cause alot of pain and feel like a blockage... it is the reason I thought so too, and I had a Colonscopy, he said no narrowing and ulcers are about the same. CT Scan yesterday, and bone density (been on Pred alot and have been on and off for 17 years ) and he wants to put me back on Pred. I am on Entocort and Pentasa right now and seems to be doing the trick,, also I am taking High probiotics. I have also had blood work done. I am glad you are settling down. I am a worrier by nature and I was thinking all the scary stuff too and my husband says, I worry too much and that causes more pain...he is right, he has been with me for 10 years coming up and he knows my sypmtoms.

Glad you feel better. ((Hugs))
Yes Clover..Good luck..I too am guilty of surfing and finding worse case scenerios..I hope you get some relief soon! Email often and someone here will try to respond. I know, that always helps me when my mind is racing and feeling like crap (funny how that term is appropriate!) Sue
I've never had a "complete" colonoscopy because of inflammation blocking the path. Even after surgery when my GI was excited about seeing my illieum, he couldn't.
Hey Clover. My first colonoscopy was very similar. I had a HUGE ulcer in my descending colon and they really worked hard to try and get through (took two doctors to try). I will tell you that within about a week I had to go back in the hospital for emergent surgery as I had a micro perforation at that site. I think it may have been caused by the biopsies- but they won't tell me directly. The reason I'm telling you this is that if you start having really pinpoint type pain (hard to push on that area of your gut - like you have a knife or something sharp there) - get your booty to the doctor. That was what my perf felt like. Other than that - just try to keep calm until they can get that scan done and hopefully that will shine a light on things for you. Good luck!!
Hi guys

Just to give you all an update I had an MRI scan today but it was of my small bowel? I was confused as I thought I was having it of my large bowel as that is where the kink is and where the colonoscopy got stuck.

Ive been on a liquid diet the last two days which has helped considerably with the pain.

Im not sure whether i should phone the consultant and see whats going to happen next??

The radiologist said you can scan the large bowel and the only way of exaimining it is by colonscopy or barium enema?
Sorry never had an MRI I am pretty sure your Gi told them where to look. You could call if it makes you feel better... I had a CT scan and it covers the Intestines only, and that includes large and small or it would be a waste of time and money.