Scary new symptoms

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Jul 28, 2011
Last night I noticed some eye pain and blurred vision in my right eye. This happened about 5 years before and I was dxed with retrobulbar optic neuritis. this time the blurred vision is not as noticeable as last time. So I can't really tell. Maybe I'm being super weary since I know it's happened before. I'm not sure what to do.

Today, I felt a tremor in my legs. It has gotten a bit better than when it was first happening, but my legs feel very shaky when I stand. It goes away, for the most part, when I start walking, but then it gets worse when I start to sit down. And now my feet feel like pins and needles.

I've been planning to set up an appointment with my GI, hoping he can refer me to a neuro, but these symptoms are scary. Should I call my eye doctor or wait and see if it gets worse, I mean I'd hate to show up on an emergency basis and they find nothing or tell me it's just allergies. At what point do you call your doctor regarding new symptoms?
I call my doctor the second new symptoms pop up. There's no harm in at least informing them. An informed doctor makes better decisions for their patient.
Yeah, I agree with Crabby,
A phone call to the DR leaving word of the change in symptoms is never a bad thing. Better to be safe than sorry, I wouldn't call the eye Dr as this is most likely related to your GI Issues, your GI DR may or may not tell you to call the eye Dr, but it is best to inform your GI DR first.

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