SCD question

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Jun 8, 2008
So since nothing is offering me any relief for this insane bloating I'm having (it's probably not my Crohn's causing it, but it's every time I eat and it's unbelievable how bad it can get, I'll have a modest amount of food and suddenly look 6 months pregnant), I thought I might give the specific carb diet a try. Now, here's my question: I've heard it's a good diet if you are underweight. I'm not; I neither want nor need to gain weight. What I want is to heal my digestive system, or try and fix whatever is making it so screwed up, and this seemed like one thing to try. I don't know if it will work or not, but since NOTHING is, I figured it couldn't hurt. But I really don't want to gain weight! What do people think? If I maintain a healthy balance and limit the amount of "bread" (using flour made from ground nuts, which actually sounds delicious but the calories are VERY high), and keep up with my daily minimum of 60 minutes of exercise, will I gain weight while on this diet?

I've been on SCD for about 5 weeks and I'm not yet a true believer but it has definitely given me more energy. It may have reduced my inflammation too (sed rate and crp are lower).

Maybe this is a just a guy's perspective, but it seems to me like being healthy is more of a priority than being your ideal weight. Especially longer term, since a chronically inflamed colon can accumulate damage. The exercise you're doing is great for both the health and the weight.

As for weight, in my case I could use to gain a little, and my first week on the diet I lost 4 lbs. Since then I've held steady. You may worry about the calories in nuts, but by cutting out all sugar/bread/wheat products you will be cutting out a lot of calories. I actually worry about getting enough calories.

Another suggestion is go see a nutritionist who can help you stay healthy while being conscious of your weight.

Good luck

Currently on: remicade, 6mp, scd, multivitamin
Crohn's since 1995
GIJoe - Thank you very much for your response, I agree that my health should be my priority over my ideal weight, thank you for reminding me of that! I already don't eat almost any sugar and not very much by way of bread or wheat products either, so I don't feel like I'll be cutting out *that* many calories by making the switch...but maybe I'd be cutting out more than I think, and nuts are good for you either way.

I think seeing a nutritionist is a great idea, I'm afraid to do this diet without one, not just because of the weight issue but because I'd be changing my lifestyle so much I'd never know what to eat if I didn't have someone to help me get started!
When I tried the SCD before my resection I lost weight, since I wasn't eating any bread , pasta, potatoes etc..... But it may help with the bloating, since it reduces fermentation in the intestines and thus less gas... reducing carbs and sugars means less fermentation.

You can also try taking ginger capsules or ginger tea for the bloating. Probiotics might help also, but only the good ones. I take one called Probiolog; it is only sold in pharmacies and made in France.
There's nothing intrinsic to the SCD that will cause you to gain weight. There is a lot of evidence that diets with severe food restrictions are effective at causing weight loss, as long as there is full compliance (which is quite hard, since so many common foods are forbidden).

The main reason for weight gain would be relief from symptoms - if eating isn't so damn uncomfortable, you're going to be able to do more of it.

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