Second child with crohn's...what were the first symptoms

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Holding It Together
Jan 24, 2013
I've been reading about those of you who had other kids diagnosed with Crohn's. Now looking back at your second or more child with Crohn's, what were the first signs?

Two of my other kids get ulcers in their mouths, one other is gluten-intolerant, one deals with chronic constipation and joint pains that prevent sports involvement... What else causes frequent mouth ulcers? If their weight is stable, what should trigger me to get them worked up? I'm a freaking worry wart.:sign0085:
Daughter's came on like a freight train. Thought she'd gotten food poisoning at a restaurant and was sick for many months, (lots of diarrhea, vomiting, rapid weight loss) until she was diagnosed and put into remission.

Son's came on VERY slowly, but looking back I'd say his first symptom was that he wasn't gaining weight the way that he should have been.
:ghug:.... Carol l understand your fear. Only my daughter has been diagnosed with crohn's but l have my suspicions about my 21 year old son. He gets joint pain , diarrhea , abdominal pain and vomiting... but he refuses to see a DR.
In hindsight it was mouth ulcers...

Some time during the first 6 months of 2010 Matt complained of mouth ulcers, approximately 2-3 at any given time. I researched it quite a bit and decided to commence him on a B-Complex supplement. Lo and behold the problem resolved and I never gave it another thought.

Then at the beginning of October that same year my partner and I commented that he looked tired and worn out. We explained it away to ourselves due to the fact that the soccer season was drawing to a close and every Saturday he played 2 games and sometimes 3. He was also sitting an HSC subject as well as his normal Year 11 subjects plus he was enrolled part time at university in a BSc.

We were one week into November and he had a night of vomiting on a Sunday night, the following few days he was off his food but nonetheless seemed better. Come Saturday night and into Sunday he was vomiting again.

Crohn's wasn't something that I really didn't think I was thinking about but I guess something must have been nagging at me because come Monday I asked the GP to run baseline bloods and inflammatory markers. His CRP came back elevated, they repeated a week later and it was higher again. After the fiasco with Sarah the GP went into overdrive and he had his diagnosis by the end of the month.

Actually this is the thread I started when Matt was first sick:

Dusty. xxx
My 2nd child interestingly enough was treated for acne in Jan 2011...doxycycline for 3 months. Acne cleared up nicely, but by June, Trevor was complaining of frequency of BM and mild cramping from time to time. By August, he had lost over 10 lbs, more frequent, severe pain and yup, mouth ulcers. I was in complete way could I have another child with this horrid disease! He was diagnosed with CD in early September. Kim
I am so totally there with the paranoia. Easy for us to go there. Especially for me because I missed the little signs for O for so long. My ped offered to do a fecal cal test anytime I wanted. Quick, easy, non invasive and worth every penny to set my mind at ease. I haven't had to take advantage of it yet.

My friend gets horrible mouth ulcers. I have never seen anyone as bad. Vitamin b12 deficiency is a big cause. Also, if you are not already using an SLS (Sodium Laurel Sulfate) free toothpaste (should also check your soap, shampoo, dish detergent but that is another topic all together) I would switch now. SLS is very bad for the skin cells and many people with recurring mouth ulcers find just this change helps them tremendously.
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Thanks everyone. My other 3 don't seem very sick, and I wonder if I should even pursue anything. Perhaps it would just mean testing that doesn't amount to a diagnosis, even if they do have mild disease. I'll talk to my pediatrician and see what she thinks.
We did full work up on second child
- but he is still being followed by Gi - just in case.

I would ask for non invasive stuff first
Blood and fecal cal then go from there
We jumped in head first -
First Gi appt then scope in less than a week.
Sibling history moves things along very quickly.
Your worry is totally understandable... that concern is ALWAYS in my mind.

Stephen's symptoms were actually very, very similar to Dusty's Matt (and our justifications for the symptoms were also eerily similar :eek:).

My daughter complains about LOTS of things (totally keeps me on the edge)... strange rash - GP sent us to dermatologist; odd finger pain and slightly raised ACA (I think??? forget exactly...) - off to rheumi for more testing; low iron - sent us to hematologist; tiredness, sometimes diarrhea - ran tons of tests. So far, nothing. However, while I still have concerns and worry this is just another 'justification', the reality is she works hard, plays hard, eats hard and sleeps hard! :lol: She puts lots of demands on her body and I think it sometimes rebels... and she's been like this since she was 2!

I often worry if I am simply explaining away symptoms but, on the other hand, I try to consider lifestyle (age, activities, personality, etc.) and see if the symptoms fit. ie Em plays soccer and tae kwon do and works out at the gym - she does, at least, one of these each day (often two), is it normal for her to sometimes have aches and pains and feel fatigued? Probably, maybe... :confused2:
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Actually you know one of the best things you can do? Look at photos.

I realised this too late but after the horse had bolted I was organising photos one day and that is when I noticed the change in them. It is change you often don't recognise when you are seeing them everyday because it is insidious and when push comes to shove a chronic illness isn't the first thing that pops into your mind.

Dusty. xxx
Yeah phots-
we had ds's photos side by side (after the fact from kindy til now)
you can see the paleness first then the weight loss.
not an issue for other child - so that is a good thing
oh Carol! I so understand your line of questioning! I have been asking myself that for a while.

Alex is my eldest and I have two younger sons. Son number two has had several "odd" things happen that have caused me to jump (some happening before A was diagnosed, some happening after). This year when the stomach bug went around he got it. However when everyone else got over it in about 48 hours his lasted about 10 days. On day 5 I was in the doctor's office asking for blood work. So far (touch wood) his numbers are fine...

Regarding the mouth ulcers - growing up I remember my Dad got them (he did not have Crohn's) and now as an adult I get them too... A doctor told me that it could be caused by a variety of factors including: acidic foods and sinus problems. I'm guilty with both of those.

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