HLH is an immune problem. It can be caused from being immunosuppressed then developoing mono, chicken pox or cytomegaly virus (CMV) or any infection. Jennifer's was caused from being on 6 MP and developing CMV. You become very ill very fast. She had heart failure, kidney involvement, lung involvement. It is really complex. They told us she was going to die. WE proved them WRONG!!! It begins with fever which doesn't respond to medications and keeps climbing. If you google HLH and Crohns you can see there is a coorelation. There are 2 types of HLH - - genetic and secondary. We were told hers was secondary and we responded miraculously at that time. However, two years later we get a call that they had discovered a new genetic mutation which she has. At the time she had HLH if they would have known of the genetic mutation she would have automatically had a bone marrow transplant. It is a rare condition but they think it there are more cases which are misdiagnosed. Jennifer has STXBP 2 mutation. I worry about where do we go from here if things don't respond. We were told when she had HLH that she should NEVER go on an immunosuppressive drug ever. Well...most treatments for Crohns are immunosuppressive drugs. I have been nervous on the Methotrexate. Jennifer had been on 6 MP for about 6 months when she developed HLH.
Hope you have a good day! I am going to go Mulch since we have 60 degree weather today.