Several years on Azathioprine and now skin cancer...

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Mar 5, 2012
Hello, I'm new here and wondered if anyone has had similar circumstances. I'm going for a biopsy on Wed for possible skin cancer all over my nose. Somewhat frightened by this side-effect of Azathioprine. Anyone out there have stories, advice, etc? I'm assuming I will need to withdraw from the Aza.

My Crohns has not been a big problem over the last 15 or so years. I've had 4 resections (5?) which were mostly due to recurring adhesions from prior surgery. Latest resection required 2 hours takedown of adhesions to get to surgery site. There was very little Crohns involvement. Obstruction was caused by the adhesions.

Has anyone else been through similar circumstances? I would surely welcome any stories or advice. Especially anything about skin cancer while on Azathioprine.

Thanks so much!
Hi there and welcome :)

I do know of at least a couple anecdotes of people developing skin cancer while on Azathioprine. In addition, there are a few stories around about people having had cancer in the past and their doctors wanting them to go on AZA. Hopefully they see your thread.

One question I have for you is have you had your vitamin D levels checked? While too much sun can cause skin cancer, too little sun can as well. One of the most important functions of vitamin D is helping ward off skin cancer and people with Crohn's Disease are very commonly deficient.

In addition, if you've had that many resections, I'm guessing they took out a lot if not all of your terminal ileum. That's where your vitamin B12 is absorbed. Have you had those levels tested?

All my best to you :)
I'm one of the ones with past skin cancer. I've had melanoma twice and basal cell 4-5 times, as well as a few atypical moles. I was on aza for about a year back in 2003 and am back on it since October of last year. I just keep a close eye on things. If caught early, most skin cancer is not that dangerous.
I had a close call/near miss with skin cancer (will be 2 years next April). I still have to do the yearly follow-ups, but so far, so good. I was told that I could expect this after going toxic on AZA. Like, I was fore-warned of the risks of AZA before starting on it, then after I had to come off it my doctors warned me to be extra-vigilent, which is how I caught it.

Many of the typical drugs we take for Crohns have long lists of potential negative effects. Which is why LDN appealed to me when I first researched it. I mean, we've all seen those ads on TV where they start praising a new drug, and how it can fix this, that or the other. Then they start in on the disclaimers of the side effects, and it makes you wonder if the drug is worth the risk in the first place. Know what I mean?
Thanks for your responses!

Thanks, all, for taking time to write. I will find out more tomorrow. I think we who suffer physical ails do become stronger in the process. I know I'll get through this, but it's hard not knowing where all this will lead. Dave, yes I am deficient in B12 and have taken shots at home for years (I give them to myself). True, I get very little sun (living in Minnesota). I had never heard that getting too LITTLE sun could put one at risk for skin cancer!! Who knew? I am currently taking D3 (with calcium) and hoping that will help. Appreciate all the comments so much!

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