I have crohns and had bowel resection4 yeaRs ago and now am taking cimzia, bentyl. I haven't had pain for awhile but recently started randomly getting a sharp pain in the lower right quadrant (right near surgery site). Its happening a few times a day now. The pain comes and goes. I can see the veins here now (I don't think they seemed so visible before). I have low iron and am taking iron supplements, but I'm wondering if people w sharp pain ever get "phantom" pains near the surgery site, which my gastro said is possible (but I've never really experienced before). I had colonoscopy last yr which found ulcers in duodendum andsmall intestine. I took protonix which I think helped get rid of the ulcer pains(I'm glad I'm done w protonix bc it made me dizzy ) I just hope I don't wAnt to end up w more problems and a bunch of follow-up appointments. Just curious if anyone has heard of these phantom pains? It makes me somewhat anxious bc this pain is right near the surgery site. Thank you all!