Should I go to the ER?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 24, 2011
I was diagnosed with Crohn's back in June, but I've been in a flare since May. With constant pain and nausea and vomiting and all the other day to day symptoms, it's hard to know when enough is enough. Usually I just move through the pain or if its particularly bad I resign myself to the couch until I can move again. But today the pain is insane and has spread to my back and down my legs. I'm also terribly weak and dizzy. I'm always on the verge of vomiting so that symptom isn't new. I barely eat because it just makes it worse and I've lost 20 pounds since July. What does everyone think? How do you know when it's time to go to the ER?
When the pain is new or changes intensity(gets really worse) or moves. I'm in Canada, so I don't have financial considerations about going. If you can go, I would as its always better to err on the side of caution.

good luck and let us know how you are doing
I think if you have to ask if you should go to the ER, you probably should go. I hope you can get some relief.
I couldn't say it any better than Linda just did. If you think it might be time to go....then you need to go pronto.

Trust your instincts. Respect the Crohn's.
Thanks. I'm a newbie and need advice. Luckily I have good insurance, so that isn't a concern. I always have this inner fight with myself since my family depends on me. But my family is now telling me to go, so I guess that's my answer. They are sick of me walking around like a zombie moaning from the pain. Haha I think being out of pain will be a long over due relief. @Linda, I read a bit of your blog. It really does help me to see someone else experiencing the same day to day ups and downs. I feel less isolated and alone. Thank you for sharing... I'm off to hopefully get some relief:)
Crohnaroideramasis, please come back and let us know what they said in the ER. I hope you were able to get some relief.
Update: I was given Pentasa. 1000 mg 4x a day. I have definitely noticed a bit of an improvement! Still more tests to be done. Another CT scan and more blood work. Praying I can get into some sort of remission and get back to work and eating again:)

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