Should you exercise DURING a flare up?

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Jul 6, 2013
I'm having a painful flareup for almost two months now. I'm wondering if I should be taking it easy, resting, to get better like people do with a flu OR if I should be pushing myself to exercise now. I am out of shape and know that once I am better, if I get in shape, it will help me with my Crohn's. I've just heard and read contradictory stuff about what to do now that I am in a flareup. Thanks!
Everyone's a little different in a flare, so all I can really say is listen to your body and don't push yourself too much. I was in remission for 2 years and I was working out fairly intensely almost every day up until recently. For the past couple months I seem to be in a flare. It doesn't seem to be a particularly bad flare, and I can still exercise somewhat intensely on a good day. I am taking a lot more rest days though than I was before, and I've altered my exercise routine somewhat (I no longer use the abdominals machines when I'm lifting weights, I have a more difficult time bicycling so I'm doing less cardio, yoga doesn't seem to bother me so I'm doing more yoga, etc).

I would say, start slowly and gently, and listen to your body. Maybe start with some gentle yoga or short walks - if that goes well, then try something a bit more intense like riding a bike or lifting light weights. Your body may be okay with certain types of exercise but not others - I know for me, I cannot jog, as I have arthritis in both hips and it just hurts way too much. But lower-impact types of cardio are usually okay if I'm not flaring too horribly. So long story short, try a few types of exercise and see what you like & what your body can handle right now. If you only experience adverse effects, then it may just be that you need to heal more from this flare first before focusing on exercise.

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