Sibling scare

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Sep 19, 2010
Hi all,
So one of my kids has been complain gin about pain in the legs for the last several weeks. Well last night a strange thing happens. All of a sudden he starts complaining of a severe stomach ache and he had a slight fever. After about four hours the fever went away. The stomach ache was better this morning but then came back after lunch. Took him To the doctor and discussed the leg pain, stomach ache, and odd temperature. We decided to do a fecal calprotectin to be on the safe side and if the fever comes back to bring him back and get blood work done. I will let you know once we collect the FC test and get the results. I am trying not to freak out. Hopefully this is just once of those things.
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That's very interesting. I know that I have had some experiences with extreme stomach pain and then I feel like my temperature rises and then they both go away after awhile. I'm interested to see what the docs have to say. I have never experienced the leg pain. Maybe just a coincidental growing pain?
I'd think appendicitis would have longer lasting symptoms. In my opinion at least but I'm no doctor.
My sister and I would both get really bad leg pains mainly below the knee. Haven't had them in a long time but it ached enough to almost make you want to cry. We were both diagnosed with Crohn's the same year and the leg pains became less and less after treatment. I was once told that it could be "growing pains," I never grew. :p Plus no one else seemed to have them. A heating pad helped a little so try that if you haven't already. Hope he feels better and that it's nothing really serious. :)
That is exactly where he has the pain! Still waiting to catch a sample so we can drop it off at the lab.
D had the leg pains too before diagnosis and was told they were 'growing pains'. Funny how now she doesn't get them like that anymore...
Our Rheumo said there are no such thing as "growing pains"
Hope it clears on its own
Aslo other auto immune disorders are possible since they run in families and fever tends to indicate them as well.
Yes we got the leg pain is just growing pains bit. Now Grace has JRA and needs leg braces. Sorry still trying to get over the bitterness.:ymad:

I pray it's not what you're fearing and hope it will pass soon.
Sending loads of luck and hugs your Kim. :ghug:

I hope all works out well for your lad and it proves to be a passing anomaly that is easily dealt with. :heart:

Dusty. xxx