Side Effects Humira, Prednisone, Imuran

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 19, 2012
Hi, I am new to this site and I was diagnosed with Crohn’s 8 months ago. It seems like I am having a lot of side effects from the medication the Doc has me on. Currently I am on Humira, Prednisone and Imuran. After I started taking these meds I started having a lot of trouble with my teeth. They keep chipping, 4 teeth in the last 3 month. I have always had great teeth, never any problems. The doctor doesn’t think the meds are the cause of my dental problem.

Has anyone ever had dental issues while taken these meds?

Thanks Melanie
I have read of a few people on this forum who have problems with their teeth. It could be the disease and not being able to absorb the calcium you need. Also when on high/long doses of prednisone dr's usually give a calcium supplement as it can affect absorption of calcium.
Sorry I don't know much more but maybe someone else will be able to share their experiances.