Side effects of 120mg of prednisone?! :/

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Mar 12, 2013
I have been having a bad flare of my crohns the past couple weeks and it has not been getting any better. I have been on 40mg of prednisone and still not feeling any better. I also just stopped Remicade infusions 10mg/kilo every 6 weeks and asacol 2400mg daily. My dr has come to the conclusion that the Remicade and asacol are no longer working. He put me in the hospital yesterday giving me fluids, high dose of iv steroids, and nutrition through iv. I have been on and off high doses of steroids the past 5 years and now am on such a high dose 120mg initially and then 60mg every 6 hours. I am very frustrated as to the high dose and all the side affects and how it just makes me overall feel like crap, he wants to start me on cimzia but I have to wait 4 more weeks due to my last Remicade infusion being 2 weeks ago. He also talked about surgery and he thinks that it's the best option as all other medicines are not working and or stop working. Hopefully I will start to get some relief, has anyone ever been on this high of a dose?!? How bad were the side affects? I'm about ready to just say cut it all out and hopefully that will give me relief and I will be able to finish college. I just had to drop out of all my classes for this semester the only good news is that I get short term disability from my job! It's so hard to stay positive with all this going on!! :frown:
I have never been on that high of a dose of prednisone so I am not sure about the side effects.
One thing I would be concerned about is the effect it can have on your blood sugar. Is your doctor closely monitoring you? That just seems like a very high amount.
The biggest piece of advice I can give you is not to stop it suddenly. with that high of a dose your body could very easily go into shock. I guess just keep in constant communication with your doctor, and read up on the severe side effects so you know what to look for
When hospitalized last year I was initially given high dose's of prednisone just to crush the symptoms. It was 3 days in all, also was given Cipro and Flagly. When released I was only kept on 50 mg's a day since I wasn't under constant monitoring.
Prednisone is a miracle drug for me when flaring, I gain some weight which I can afford to do and can't sleep for crap which I can live with if I do not have symptoms. Other then that I am fine.
I agree Strongly with afidz I would not stop prednisone without the proper tapering especially at that high of a dose, it could defiantly cause a crash effect.
Afidz I haven't seen the dr yet but I will ask him about the blood sugar for sure, thanks for the good advice! Amrycrohns I just found they are putting me on the cipro and flagyl. I am also getting heparin incase of blood clots which is standard to my knowledge. For the side effects of steroids I get very bad joint pain from my knees to hips, and elbows and back sometimes, hot flashes, of course really bad moon face. i just don't want them to get worse because it makes It so unbearable. I'm so over all of this!
Just keep your head up man, my intial flare when they finally figured out I had crohn's lasted 3 years. there were many ups and downs during that time from being in a bed for days on end to somedays I could actually do a little bit of stuff. Many days I wanted to give up during that time, but eventually they got my diesease mostly under control and I live a close to normal life normal.
I get night sweats to this day, Dr. said its a reaction to inflamation. on a bad night we change bed stuff 3 times in 1 night. Just keep fighting it can get better.