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Jan 9, 2011
Had a row with my sister begining of last yr, well got bad when she said "me and meds were in the way when staying with her and I was an embarrassment when we were out to lunch or something'.

Is it wrong for me to refuse to stay with her ever again?

Suggest that I should not take meds when (if) i stay her again. (not)
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My sister said Me and Crohns are an embarrassment in public due to having to take meds before i eat and after, also I got in way with my medication and have to use the toilet when staying with her.
Ok, not sure why it's so hard, but I think I got it. I think your sister is wrong for giving you a hard time about taking your meds. And people with Crohn's have to use the bathroom a lot - Just a fact of life your sister needs to userstand. Maybe you can give her more information about Crohn's disease, web sites, etc. Maybe she does not understand much about this disease, and the problems it causes you.
I used to take meds when I was out. At times when things get bad some of us have to take more pills than other times. When it becomes more than a couple I usually carry around a pill container. Not each bottle. I am not saying that you do this at a restaurant but lining up 12 bottles of meds and opening up each one on the table might be a bit odd for the public eye!! lol If you take what you need before you leave and put them in a pill container it will be easier for you also.
If your sister is also not understanding to you having crohns like Joe said above, give her more information on Crohns.
Thank you

Thank you for answer Kydia,gut,CDDad and Jenn.

We were having a disagreement at the time but she is a childrens nurse in Evelina which connect to Guys and Thomas or GOSH, so she has very good understanding about Crohns.

I do try to be discrete when I am out with crap pills thing, and not draw attention to myself but sometimes it's just not possible to do things quietly. She actually made me feel guilty about have Crohns and I know it's not my fault but just one of these things.

I refuse point blank to ever stay with her again.
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hi Josephine :) what is your first language?

just a little note - please don't double-post threads, i've just deleted one you posted today, which you also posted yesterday. thanks :)
hi Josephine :) what is your first language?

just a little note - please don't double-post threads, i've just deleted one you posted today, which you also posted yesterday. thanks :)

Sorry about double post thread.

English my native language and have characterizes of dyslexia. I am current tried to re- do English GCSE at college.
Sorry about double post thread.

English my native language and have characterizes of dyslexia. I am current tried to re- do English GCSE at college.

thanks for your reply :) i could see you were struggling a little, just wondered if it was a language issue... i hope it's ok with you if we edit your posts a little, so that they're easier for our members to read and reply to... and if you have any problems using the forum, just click my name, you'll see a drop-down menu with Private Message option - send me a message and i'll help all i can. :)
my thoughts on your problem regarding your sister - you shouldn't ever feel guilty for having Crohn's or for having to take tablets - and as for the toilet, doesn't she ever use one????

she really ought to have more sympathy and understanding, not just because of her nursing background, but because she's your sister, and you're both human beings!

i think you should work on your confidence in yourself, hold your head high, you have nothing to feel ashamed or guilty about, and you don't need to hide the fact that you need medication.. it makes no difference to me if i'm out at a pub or visiting someone's home - if i need the loo, i go. if i need meds, i take them. if they serve me food i can't eat, i don't eat it.

you come first - if people can't understand why you do things the way you do, that's their problem.
I read about people fighting with sibs or parents and not speaking for years at a time and I'm always amazed. I can't imagine anything being more important than those relationships. Maybe it's just me, but if I loved my sister and wanted to stay with her, I'd find a compromise. Perhaps there's more of a history of problems between the two of you and this is just one more thing. If that's the case, I'm sorry for you.
It long story but even when we have a disagreement about anything I would never used her health as issue or against her. She inquiry few in last years which are genetic.
Hi Josephine
I have had Crohns since age 13, I am now 51, so I understand how crap life can be with this condition (pun intended!). I personally would give a wide berth to any member of my family (or anyone else) who treated me in this way.
Don't know if it will help but tell her to check out the jessica grossman site.
Good luck
ps my wife and I love Yorkshire and hope to retire there as soon as we can!
I think yorkshire speak is a kind of dyslexia lol :p

I take my meds when out. As i need to take 3x aza tablets with food, sometimes the only time I can take them is with family or friends. Never once bothered me or anyone else. If it ever did I would tell them to not look or p!ss off, it keeps me alive which is the most important thing.

As with the toilet situation.. if they think they have it bad having to wait for you then they should realise how depressing it gets having to go to the toilet that many times. People moan when they have a stomach bug for a couple of days .. we have it every day

personally I wouldnt back down until she appologises

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