I have had anemia for sometime now, without any reason.
Had a colonoscopy and endoscope last year, colonoscopy piece of cake, but endooscopy I hated (have fear of being sick) and gagged a lot, swore Id never have one again!
Now go to have a SME and know its another pipe down nose and throat! Absolutely dreading it. Having read some stuff on it, none positive, wondered if anyone had experienced it and not found it as bad as endoscopy?
Any tips would be appreciated.
Diabetic t2
I have had anemia for sometime now, without any reason.
Had a colonoscopy and endoscope last year, colonoscopy piece of cake, but endooscopy I hated (have fear of being sick) and gagged a lot, swore Id never have one again!
Now go to have a SME and know its another pipe down nose and throat! Absolutely dreading it. Having read some stuff on it, none positive, wondered if anyone had experienced it and not found it as bad as endoscopy?
Any tips would be appreciated.
Diabetic t2
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