Snoopy, The Original Planker...

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Oh hell Zal, you learn something new everyday! I thought this fad came here from somewhere else but it would seem it started here, yikes!

It's where you lay face down, with your arms by your sides, generally in unusual public places and photograph it....


Dusty. :)
It started in North East England about 14 years ago and was called the lying down game. When it became a fad here in Australia we termed it planking.

Dusty. :)
see, and I heard it started with a run way model who fell...

I like it... but I dont get it... lol....

it is funny how things like this start... just to make people wonder... haha

thats a funny video Diesanduhr AND

...thanks super moderator... I posted it to my facebook page...
there are like 800 Helen Cherry's on Facebook ..hahah... can u be a little more specific?
If I can get the bloody pictures OFF my phone and onto here I'll throw up a few of my pictures. OH OH I may have an idea.....if enough people are interested we could start a sort of "Plank-Off" idea anyway.

My grandad sent me a planking picture the other day. He is 70....laying between two saw-horses in his back yard...He is now trying to figure out a more public place to plank to top the last ones my girlfriend and I did hahaha.

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