Specific carb diet..great results!!!!

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specific carb diet..great results!!!!

Hello all, I will start and say i've had crohn's for about 24 years and my son who is 13 has been diagnosed since 6. He recently has been good and bad for the past year, on imuran and pentasa and of coarse prednisone on and off. His colonoscopy brought bad news, lots of disease and a diseased colon!!!! So we are tapering the prednisone and we get to 20 and he starts the pain and massive daiherra again. This study we are hoping to get him he needs to be on this 20 for 14 days. I feared we wouldn't gett o the next day. I just happened to be listening to this radio blog and this woman spoke of this diet. Of coarse I have done the vicious cycle thing before, but i really dove into this, the diet really makes sense and we've been doing this for 4 days and i see amazing results already..his pain is gone and the toilet does not flush so frequent. if you have crohn's and realy want to see a change please look into this...i relaize medicine is a factor but to see my son not doubling over is GREAT!!! i know we will get to the 26th and then he'll get his imuria injections as well.
Well kellyc... welcome to the forum. Shame you didn't come here earlier, there are a number of posts on the SCD. Glad it is working for you and your son, I hope it continues to do so. In any event, you are welcome to visit here as often as u like
Hi Kelly,

Just read your posting about scd. Our son is 11. We are off prednisone but still not enough weight gain. Now considering feeding tubes and the diet. What do you feed your son. My son loves cheese, pasta, and bread. We've been to Whole Foods and found a few things but my son is pretty picky about food. Can you share your recipes and experiences with us. Thanks -

dear dad, for the most part we are omitting sugar and starch. non processed cheese like swiss, mozzarella,colby and munster are great. Eggs are a staple as almond flour. If you don't have Breaking The Vicous Cycle yet..do buy as well as Live Well Eat Well. The vicous cyle book explains the scd and how it works and it really makes sense. I read it to Colby and he gets it. Its hard he's 13 but the altrenative is not what he wants. There is a site "Specific Carb Diet Reciepes" that can get you started until you get the books. For the most part its meats.not prccessed, cheese and veggies and fruit, breads and noodles can be made with the almond flour, I've ordered it and anxiously waiting. I've read that occasionally we cheat and He really tries to stayon track, I think he really feels better. I have Crohn's too and I even notice a big change. As for weight gain it's good weight. Just think simple carbs it basically what Crohn's tummies can have. It truly makes sense, some of the meals don't look that great like the spaghetti sqush and sugar free bacon but yummy!!!!! I'm just learning too but will be glad to share. Oh the cauliflower mashed potatoes are awesome..No starch in this diet or soy or lactaid milk. Colby LOves the Almod Breeze chocolate milk!!! good luck and talk to you soon!!!:)