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Crohn's Disease Forum

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:eek2:it is hard to watch my husband go through his CD flare ups, and manage his daily food and work. I'm a fixer and want to do more to help, but I can't. So I do the meals and de-stressing things I can. But it feels like it is so little... I have a lot to learn still about caring for him, remembering to care for me too, and letting go of what I have no control over.

My 18 yo daughter has symptoms of IBS and I fear she will get some form of IBD somewhere down the road. Trying to educate her about some changes now that might help keep IBD away- well, at 18 she's concerned with other things and has little interest in working on something that might not even happen. I have got some more lessons to learn!

One member put it so well- I don't have Crohn's, but I suffer from it.

I don't have the physical aspects, but I have the emotional aspects of the disease. I say this not to discount this atrocious disease and what it does to my family, but just to acknowledge that it affects more than just the patient.

It's a heart wrenching road you are on. Know that you are not walking it alone. I hope you can find a spot of joy each day to keep you going. I am certain your strength and support are a blessing to your hubby.

One day at a time...
