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Crohn's Disease Forum

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My husband was diagnosed with Crohn's 8 years ago. My husband was relatively healthy (though often tired) when we met 17 years ago.We have daughters who are 6 and 3. We just found out our 3 year old has celiac disease. We are finally managing that. I've felt like a single mother many times. I do everything at home to ensure my husband is healthy enough to work. Now days, a lot of energy is spent on figuring out what to feed my daughter. I have to cook completely different and have stopped even making food for my husband since he's had many flair ups & eats things my 3 year old cannot. I'm overwhelmed. Her celiac disease is serious. Affecting her moods, her skin (bleeding blisters) and bowels. I don't feel I can complain to my husband because when he's "healthy" he helps out so much. He tries so hard. I can't tell him how alone I feel. I tried once and it hurt him. He said he was so sorry and felt he failed me. I've never told him anything close to that again. I don't feel any friends or family understand my situation. Everyday, all day long I worry about what goes in my daughters mouth or if my husband will come home and pass out with just a kiss hello. I'm sorry to lay this all out, but I need to put it out there in the chance someone else understands. Thank you anyone who read this.
