SToma for other reason then Crohn's??

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 8, 2011

Hello everyone I hope you are all well and getting ready for the man in the red suit :eek:

My question tonight is there anyone here who has had the stoma for other chronic disease other then Crohns?
I need the surgery for the opposite problem because I CANT go to the bathroom and just wondered if anyone on here had my experiences?

Lizz, I think most of us have either CD or UC here. But Crohns certainly doesnt always present as big 'D'. It can present as crohnic constipation as well.

Have they given you a date yet for your surgery? How are you feeling?

I am hanging in I got up to 100 pds :) No date yet, its been a very depressing week. The surgeon he sent me to for a second opinion said I NEED this and its the only way I will get my life back. Which I figured out awhile ago :( but my GI doctor is being a pain he is not a surgery man and keeps wanting me to go to more drs and more this and more that ugh... he says I haven't tried a motility specialist and the surgeons tried to tell him it wont work because I dont have motility anymore. My surgeon really wants my GI doctor to agree for some reason not sure why. The second opinion surgeon gets back from vacation Monday and he will be calling my surgeon and hopefully they will pick a date with out my GI drs approval?? I know it will be January sometime because he said after Christmas I just wish they would hurry up I am tired and its painful not going to the bathroom :(
I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease but I did not present with chronic diarrhea. I had issues going. I would always feel like I had to go and then nothing would happen. My new GI dr actually consulted the surgeon during my first visit. I went over a year to different GI drs and they kept trying meds or other things instead of surgery. The surgery was the best thing I could have done!
Gifted...(thats your new name by the way...and I like it!) Michelle (misty eyed) had the same issue. I think surgery may be the best way forward for you. Keep at the issue. I know the insurance can be an issue, but with two surgeons trying to help you, I hope you get the approval.

Even if you can get a resection and get rid of diseased and dead tissue to help you. No reason you should suffer so much...bless you!
Gifted...(thats your new name by the way...and I like it!) Michelle (misty eyed) had the same issue. I think surgery may be the best way forward for you. Keep at the issue. I know the insurance can be an issue, but with two surgeons trying to help you, I hope you get the approval.

Even if you can get a resection and get rid of diseased and dead tissue to help you. No reason you should suffer so much...bless you!

Ahhh.... thats sweet Gifted, my screen name is for my 9 year old we adopted him in 2003 from Korea when he was 6 months old. Giftedbyadoption!!! No words can describe it!!... Except birth my bio~ son is 21 now!
I am hoping to know something early this week. What they are afraid of with the resection is still continued weight loss because I all ready cant get past 100pds now :( so if I conect to the small bowel I will go to the rest room every time I eat there for no weight gain again and no nutrition again :ywow:

I could be wrong but our insurance is use to me ha..ha I have had 3 surgery's since 2008 and total of 15 my whole life so far, they know I am sickly from all the med's emergency visits and specialist and ect...
Well Gifted, I can only pray you are gifted again, by life saving surgery and to get rid of that bowel that certainly needs kicked to the curb!

I see that things are only going to get better for you in 2012. And early on! You certainly have alot to live for!

May you be well in the very near future, and may the GI listen to reason!
Well Gifted, I can only pray you are gifted again, by life saving surgery and to get rid of that bowel that certainly needs kicked to the curb!

I see that things are only going to get better for you in 2012. And early on! You certainly have alot to live for!

May you be well in the very near future, and may the GI listen to reason!

THANK you sweetie. I sent my GI his Christmas card and added a typed letter explaining ALL the hell I have been through all my life even before I met him 5 years ago. I practically begged him to understand I WANT and NEED my life back I want to have some time with my family and not suffer 100% of the time.

But at the end of the letter I told him if he cant agree cant get on board with the two surgeons I will find a GI doctor who I WILL because I refuse to live this way any longer I am done.:ybatty:
Sorry I'm coming late to this thread, I've had a busy weekend!

I have Crohn's but never suffered from diarrhea, I was always constipated. I wound up perforating my sigmoid colon and distending my bowel because I hadn't gone in so long. I now have a permanent colostomy. I hope that you can get the surgery, I know the pain you must be suffering not being able to's the worst feeling!

Good luck and welcome to our little group :)
Sorry I'm coming late to this thread, I've had a busy weekend!

I have Crohn's but never suffered from diarrhea, I was always constipated. I wound up perforating my sigmoid colon and distending my bowel because I hadn't gone in so long. I now have a permanent colostomy. I hope that you can get the surgery, I know the pain you must be suffering not being able to's the worst feeling!

Good luck and welcome to our little group :)

Cindy sending you lots of :ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug::ghug: because I know your pain 40 years now I was 2 years old when mine started. Supposedly I only have IBS among 10 other diseases but my surgeon wonders if I have crohns as well because so many foods cause severe pain as well.
When I 1st was diagnosed with IBS years ago I use to have days where I would get diarrhea for days on end after it had been about 30 days with no bowel movement but that doesnt happen now unless I get a flu bug.
I also have always had these bouts of vomiting and ending up in the ER to get it to stop and always dehydrated and ect... no one in my family would ever get this but mine would go on for days and days drs use to say its a bug. But now the more my surgeon and I speak I think its all related to my colon not working.
My poor aunt before she died she use to throw up her own bowel I am fighting not to end up this way EVER :(
Thanks for your post all though I dont want anyone like me its nice to know I am not the only one :)
How is your life now? Did you try to get attached to the small intestines 1st? Or just get the Stoma right away?
Hi Gifted - Hope you can get things resolved and get on with the surgery.

I don't understand why you need the GIs approval for the surgery. But it certainly is an uncommon situation to have the patient asking for surgery and the doc trying to avoid it, it's usually the other way around!

Good luck. Please keep us posted on your progress! - Amy
Hi Gifted - Hope you can get things resolved and get on with the surgery.

I don't understand why you need the GIs approval for the surgery. But it certainly is an uncommon situation to have the patient asking for surgery and the doc trying to avoid it, it's usually the other way around!

Good luck. Please keep us posted on your progress! - Amy

Thank you..... I have been ready for 5 years when I 1st went to this GI dr I told him the pain was my colon he looked @ me like I had 3 heads lol... but with my family's history I had seen and heard all the symptoms and have had all the pain and complications for 40 years now.
My surgeon and the second opinion are ok with the surgery not sure WHY they want the GI's approval but I am so ready to find a new one, just afraid he will make me start over so sick of going through this nightmare over and over again and again.
Thanks for the support :)
I was diagnosed in May 2006, and my emergency surgery was in December 2009. I went right from diagnosis with Crohn's to Pentassa, to Imuran, to permanent stoma. I'd never had any kind of surgery prior to the colostomy. In a way it was the best thing, because I think if I had the choice, I wouldn't have opted for the stoma. Now that I have it though, it's been great. I got my life back, and am doing wonderfully. I never thought I'd say that it's great to poop (even if it is in a bag!)

i can't imagine suffering as long as you have with the constipation!! How can doctors not see that there's a serious problem??? I feel for you and hope that you get the surgery that you want so you can finally start living again.