Just curious if anyone else has had stomach aches following getting their loading dose. I have had humira before, back in 2012, i just had my first loading dose and when i gave myself the first of the 4 injections, omg, i got the worst stomach cramps, like almost immediately, and i my guts are still tender or sensitive. The site is tender, but my stomach or guts just seem to be turning, and i want to just stay in bed, fetal positioned. Actually get sharp pains from time to time in my intestines too.
I hate this disease so much, there are no words to describe this feeling. I hate this time of year, and my birthday is new years eve, and i hate it more and more as this disease prolongs its stay. Haven't you realized you have pverstayed yur welcome now crohn's. It is to the point where it really is uncomfortable, dont you get that feeling like it's time for you to leave.
Sorry, anyway, just curious if anyone has had issues or been sympomatic following the humira injections? Happy holidays to all of you and a happy new year
I hate this disease so much, there are no words to describe this feeling. I hate this time of year, and my birthday is new years eve, and i hate it more and more as this disease prolongs its stay. Haven't you realized you have pverstayed yur welcome now crohn's. It is to the point where it really is uncomfortable, dont you get that feeling like it's time for you to leave.
Sorry, anyway, just curious if anyone has had issues or been sympomatic following the humira injections? Happy holidays to all of you and a happy new year