Stomach Pain and Information

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 11, 2013
Hello. My girlfriend since October has Crohn's disease.

I'm not sure what her treatment is but I know that she takes an IV every 3 or 6 months.

She has really bad stomach pain from the disease, I'm wondering what you all recommend for this.. it really sucks and it makes me sad to see her in pain.

She is 18 and diagnosed at an early age.
tell her to ask her GI for some sort of pain medication while she is flaring. She has that right as a patient to be made comfortable. That is what I did when I was ill and my GI told me that seeing as I have an illness for which there is no cure yet, he definitely agreed with me that I needed something so I wasn't so miserable.

Also, check out the wiki page on here as well as the other topics. everyone here is willing and able to assist you with your questions and concerns.

feel free to PM me anytime. I've had Crohn's since the age of 12 and an ileostomy to save my life at the age of 17.

good luck to you both and thanks for looking out for her. :)
Hi Nood. She is not supposed to have pain, if meds are working. An IV every 3 or 6 months? Usually is every 8 weeks.( If it is what I am thinking) Tell her to go and see her GI. very nice of you trying to help her. I am pretty sure that with your support she can see medical attention, and get better. You can ask us as many questions as you want. there are a lot of forums in here that you can check. Best wishes and thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the replies.

Yes, it's every 8 weeks.

She doesn't take any medication but she just got prescribed a bottle that she takes 1 a week. I'm not sure what it is, and she doesn't know either.

The pain she describes is a "sharp spike going in and out"
I don't know about any med that is once a week. I know is hard, but talk to her about this forum. I don't know if she will tell you about other symptoms she may have. But it is important that she tells her GI if the meds are not working. She is not suppose to be on pain. Nor have loose stools or blood.