I have been on Entocort for 2 months. My Dr. told me last week to taper off but I went cold turkey. I had terrible headache, very [wiki2="Tired"]tired[/wiki2] and irritable. So my advice would be to taper off, although I believe whether you go cold turkey or taper you will have mild to severe side effects. My Dr. said you cannot stay on this for more than 3 months but each case is different and [wiki2="Crohns-Disease"]crohn's[/wiki2] can be mild to severe.
I just joined this forum and would like to see everyone support each other rather than make rude comments or be judgmental. We all come from different walks of life and must do what is best for our health. Life is hard enough living with this disease without having some stranger implying we're stupid for not doing what they do.
Be kind to one another and do no harm...TZ