Stress and Crohn's

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Apr 13, 2011
Has anyone’s child experienced symptoms appearing during times of stress? My daughter is at the half way mark between Remicade infusions and every so often she gets some mucus and very small amounts of blood during bowel movements. Sometimes it is just mucus and nothing else. She has been a little stressed these past 2 weeks with school starting and soccer starting up. We were just at her GI appt last month and all her blood work looked great – and no inflammation markers. Just looking for a sanity check before I call her GI doctor to ask their opinion. Just a little worried that her Remicade is not working as good as it use to. Any thoughts?
My daughter is on Remicade also and frequently gets mucus and blood. Our GI wanted us to report it at the beginning but now that she has had a few infusions with good blood results their feeling is she is just going to be a bit of a bleeder from time to time. So now we watch it and if it doesn't increase or cause other symptoms (abdominal pain or diarhea) then we sit on it. The doc and nurse feel that she is on Remi every 5 weeks so won't tank and she gets blood tests so frequently we can jump on anything that starts creeping in.

I think that an uptick in schedule and stress can definitely have an effect on them. Remicade is metabolized through the system and I notice the more active my daughter is the sooner blood and mucos start appearing but sometimes they go away on their own even before the next infusion. Also fwiw our doc and nurse are never that concerned about mucus.

That said...since this is new for your daughter I would just send them an fyi and see what they say.

Good luck...keep us posted.
Hi Kat, Both of my CD teens tend to have activity/mini flares during this time of year. Back to school and change of season have caused recent troubles for both kids...both have had rectal bleeding in the past 2 weeks. My 19 yo son recently transferred to a new college, and he woke up with sores in his mouth and complained of abdominal pain as well. My daughter has had CD for almost 7 years and every October she has activity. Our former GI argued that stress had nothing to do with flare-ups, but I totally disagree with him! This disease is exacerbated by stressful situations and I believe there is a seasonal pattern as well...autumn and springtime always bring on activity (at least for my kids!). Good Luck and I hope your daughter is feeling better soon. Kim
My son is the same. His inflammatory markers never seem to be up but when he is stressed, over tired or when he gets a little bit of a cold, he has some symptoms. They, so far, have always gone away once things return to 'normal'.
Hi, I was just DX and think my 15 year old son probably has it as well. I notice I get much worse with stress. I'm an adult , I can only imagine dealing with it being a teen.
My thoughts are with you guys.
Thanks for all the advice. She seems to be doing a little better and the doctor is not concerned. I just worry way to much!
Kat, I doubt we could be too cautious with our kids! The Drs, while very smart, don't know what we know. They run on studies and results. I doubt there's a way to 'study' stress and ibd. We observe the stress and the resultin flares that come afterward....and they do follow! I had an accident in June and Ryan was worried about me...2 weeks the hospital flared up! And usually to top it off, our kids are sensitive and perfectionists (no stress there, right?)

Hope everything is going okay.
Hey Kat,

My daughter does not have the same symptoms as yours but she certainly does suffer with weight loss and lack of appetite during times of stress. These were CD symptoms for her prior to remission so believe you me I absolutely freak out when it happens! :yfaint:

I so hope things are continuing to settle for her. Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
My son went to the GI a couple of weeks ago and is having a flare. The GI said she sees alot of flares this time of year with the stress of going back to school...

Has anyone tried relaxation exercises with their kids? I am thinking of looking into meditation or visualization for him.
My son has a couple of meditation/deep relaxation sessions that his psychologist recorded for him. He uses them to help him cope with frequent pain. They seem to help and he likes them.