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Jul 19, 2010
Hi everyone,
I have not posted much lately and I want to first say Sorry for that. We have had three sick kids in the house along with ourselves....
On top of that nothing has changed with Maddie.. We are still working on getting her a doctor. And now we have Adian (kelleys ten month old) who is sick. He has low hear rate which they tell us his heart is working the way it is suppose to so therefore that is the secondary problem. That there is another problem which is causing the low heart rate. He cannot eat any solid foods except crackers with out throwing them up or getting a bellyache. Therefore he is strickly breastfed... His bowels are the same as Maddies. Watery, runny. etc. and just today he has 8 to 10 of them like that. The heart doctor reccommended he go to the following doctors, A ped GI, ped lung doc and a ped ENT, to figure out what is wrong. So we are working on those apt as well as maddies apt. Now today his peditrician calls and say he thinks adian might be autistic as well. because he has the signs of this and the symptoms are getting worse. They are saying they will test for this when he is a year to a year and a half old.
Talk about stressfull! What will hit us next!!
I have to say the good lord sure knows how to test a person faith and strength!!!!
I have always been a very strong person and can handle whatever is thrown at me. You learn to be able to do that after being a single mom for 22 years. lol But enough is enough already

Thanks for listening/reading
As far as I know it would be unusual to spit autism in a child that young. Especially with him being ill. Of course he isn't going to want to play with people if he's not feeling well! So I wouldn't worry too much about that, just concentrate on finding what's physically wrong with him and Maddie!
Rosemary, have you all considered the possibility that there may be an environmental factor in your home that is causing these problems? Perhaps hidden mold or something like that? I don't think radon is a fit.

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