Strictures & Fistulas Question

Crohn's Disease Forum

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I want to thank anyone in advance who answers this question. This is the first Crohn's forum I've ever joined and feel somewhat guilty since I feel like I've taken this disease for granted by never participating in a support group for eighteen years now. My grandmother from Italy had this disease but back then it was only referred to as Colitis mainly. Out of four siblings I was the lucky winner of being passed down the condition, it skipped my Mother. Anyway back to the point my question is Has anyone with Crohn's gotten along alright knowing they have a fistula or stricture?

It has me wondering about this topic since I am having the same usual flare up pain in the upper right abdominal area. But, I did have a great run, I made it four years this time with no pain. Typically, my doctor sends me for a blood count and drink barium sulfate, which is only one polymer chain away from being house paint. I've only had one surgery eighteen years ago for an abscess when I was first diagnosed. Every time I have a barium X-ray, it's always the same old song there's a couple places of narrowing and one fistula. I always get told by the Gastro specialist, he says I'm looking at surgery someday but that's been well over a decade and more now of being told this. The strictures have never caused any problems of blockages for sure since no issues of ever going to a restroom. I always see stories posted online how people freak out and tell others to run to the operating table over a fistula or narrowing but it's never caused me issues thus far maybe someday, I hope not.

Also is there any new breakthroughs I may have missed for treating our condition? It amazes me how I see articles every week for other diseases finding new technology but with crohn's it's so prehistoric with prednisone and drinking down white paint when your already nauseous to take an x-ray. I know about Remicade, tried that and didn't do squat for me but help rack up some quick debt even after insurance not considering the time it takes missing a full workday to take an IV bag. Also want to include that I'm only taking azathioprine and Entocort for years now (which I think is great compared to the other option prednisone). Thanks for reading.
:welcome: NI!! Well...I have been blessed and have never had a fistula or abscess (that I know of - I MAY have had an abscess, but will figure that out when I get 13 years of medical records this week - should be a good snooze...I!). I know they use the Remicade for fistulas, but it sounds like maybe this didn't do the trick for you? As far as strictures - people usually don't have surgery for those unless they are symptomatic, which it doesn't sound like yours is - which is GREAT!! Trick is keeping the inflammation down in those two areas so they don't get worse. Which is why it is important to be on a maintenance drug that actually works. The inflammation causes the scarring which causes the strictures..etc. You've been diagnosed longer than I have - so you probably know all this :O) Anyway - so glad you have joined us!
Welcome! Glad you have joined us:)
Sounds like you are quite lucky with your stricture/fistila situation. As Peaches said, if strictures are symptomatic, causing pain and blockages etc they cane be pretty nasty and need removed! Same with fistulas which can get infected and cause many problems. So if you aren't having trouble with yours then that is great news and also gives me some hope as I have both!
Hi. I am currently facing this situation. I have a fistula at the terminal ileum, which caused abscesses in the abdominal wall. I had the abscesses drained through a small cut in my abdomin and a drain inserted.

Now I have started Remicade, which is supposed to close fistulas in about 50% of cases. If this doesn't work then surgery is my only option.

Since Remicade didn't work for you, maybe you can try Humira before susrgery as a last option
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