Study says brown rice 1x per week lowers colon cancer risk by 40%

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 6, 2009
Eating pulses at least three times a week lowers the risk of developing colon cancer by 33%, after eating less meat, while eating brown rice at least once a week cuts the risk of CRC by 40%. These associations suggest a dose-response effect. Frequently eating cooked green vegetables, nuts, dried fruit, pulses, and brown rice has been associated with a lower risk of colorectal polyps.

So I'm thinking if we eat it everyday will never develop colon cancer!!
Eating pulses at least three times a week lowers the risk of developing colon cancer by 33%, AFTER EATING LESS MEAT. I think that is the crucial part, eating less meat. Google it. Especially processed meat and cancer.
But if these foodstuff cause increased diarrhoea in a Crohns patient, is there still an anti-cancer benefit? I don't know what to do for the best. I play safe by eating nothing "healthy" but maybe it's the wrong approach.
The study was not done in individuals with Crohns
Diet is extremely individual
So what may work for some folks without ibd
Maybe very different from those with ibd
And even within those with ibd the differences are great

My kiddo has ibd
If he eats fish or nuts - he will die (life threatening allergy )
Almost all meats , dairy , and gluten plain and simple make him sick .

Would I recommend his diet to anyone else
But does it work for him

Our GI was very clear in the beginning
If something makes you sick or your symptoms worse
"Don't eat it "
Flaring Crohns means inflammation
Inflammation means increased risk of disease complications
Including cancer

If you followed every article published on diet for everyone
There would be nothing left to eat

So if you can handle healthier food without flaring your Crohns or other health issues/things
Then healthy always is the way to go with your doctors permission

If not you do the best you can to keep Crohns as calm as possible

For ds that means a very strange diet with 50% of his calories from elemental formula .

Everyone is different

Please talk to your doctor