Eosinophilic (ee oh sin oh fill ick) disorders occur when the body reacts to trigger(s) by creating too many white blood cells (eosinophils) which hang out in inappropriate places creating trouble. White blood cells target germs and other invaders; in eos kids, they recognize normally harmless things as *enemies*.
This has been referred to as "The Mother of All Food Allergies". Kids with eos disorders may or may not also have IgE allergies, but the reality is that their bodies react inappropriately to triggers, which frequently include food(s).
This is a disorder which must be diagnosed by a good pediatric GI. It must be diagnosed via biopsy. It is NOT possible to rule in or out with a blood, urine, or poop test, or by waving a magic wand.
Symptoms include any of the following; only ONE is necessary to justify testing. Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain (which the child may not recognize - a child who grows up in pain assumes it is normal), FTT, GERD/reflux. Eos kids also frequently have eczema, asthma, and multi-FAs (diagnosed or not - eos kids may test negative to everything).
Solid medical info at
www.apfed.org and
www.cincinnatichildrens.org (click Services, then E for eosinophil).