Supplementing Vitamin D/cold sores/acne

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Jan 30, 2012
We are supplementing my un-dx 14 year old with vitamin D3 due to low levels.

Within a week of starting supplements her acne worsen and she developed cold sores under and in her nose. A couple of weeks later she developed another cold sore on lip.

The interest thing about these outbreaks of cold sores is the duration of each outbreak has been much less than previous outbreaks. Her cystic acne initially got worse but now also improved.

She is of the believe that the supplements are improving her skin but at the time same causing the cold sores (shorter lasting).

Has anyone else noticed vitamin D making skin worse then better?
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Hmmm. I haven't noticed a connection btwn Vit D and cystic acne.

I do notice a connection btwn the acne outbreak and active inflammation.

It's so hard to deal with both at the same time. It makes me feel like a failure as a mom :(
Aw Greypup scotch over because the feeling of failure is one I think most of us can relate to. I think they infuse it upon delivery or adoption. But you aren't a failure until you stop trying or caring eh?

Catherine: well now you know I am at one with skin issues IBDer and nonIBDer. I haven't noticed any help for O and her psoriasis or other miscellaneous undiagnosed sore type thingy but my nonIBDer has cystic acne and I will be undergoing a science experiment of my own and having her supplement with the vit D and let you know if we see an improvement.
It quite amazing how much better her skin is now.

But it got so much worse in the first couple of weeks of starting vitamin D.

She is also taking oral medication for acne but was already 4 months into the course. We also changed her back to baby shampoo about 2 months ago with some improvement.

So don't do the science experiment, before an important event (just in case it get worse to start with). Blood levels would also be a good idea first too.
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It's great that you're making a connection w/the Vit D and acne. Is she still on an oral medication for acne as well?

My daughter is starting accutane tomorrow. We haven't been able to find anything to help control the cystic acne. The derm and the GI both feel it's time to try it very carefully.
Kerry is still taking oral medication for acne, course almost complete.

Her vitamin D level is not consider low by the GI. Level 54 range 75+.

Her cystic acne was around the hairline. We also change to baby shampoo.
Kerry only last 4 months after finishing the acne medication.

Restarted medication yesterday, her has moderated to severe cystic acne, and cold sores.

She is still taking vitamin d.
I’m so sorry to hear this Catherine. :(

I hope the meds kick in soon and responds well this time too, bless her. :ghug:

Dusty. xxx
Catherine, my daughter is on her 4th month of a very small dose of accutane/acne med and continues to take 2,000 IU of Vit D. She has cleared but not until she took a lot of dairy out of her diet. Have you looked at food as triggers?
Just wanted to chime in about Accutane -- have you heard about the adverse effects it can have on someone with IBD? A lot of people claim it sends them into flare-up, and there are websites dedicated to pursuing lawsuits against it. I ended up rejecting it for that reason when my dermatologist suggested it to me.

I'm on an antibiotic called Minocycline instead, and Tetracycline is also a weaker form of it. I haven't had cystic acne since being on Minocycline, even when I was actively on prednisone (my main trigger for it).
Yes, I've heard a lot about Accutane and IBD. In fact, the GI we saw at Mayo and our local derm said that initially the dermatologists and GI docs believed that Accutane was triggering the onset of crohn's and/or flares until they researched further. They now all believe that (I think there's been a new study) it's actually the reverse. Some Crohn's patience have the extra manifestation of cystic acne. In fact, (this made me so mad) when we went back to our derm after crohn's dx (this was before accutane was prescribed) she said she often sees IBD and cystic acne coinciding. So we had been seeing this derm for two years (now we have a new derm) for cycstic acne not knowing that M had crohn's brewing. IF the derm had mentioned this link, we might have explored w/a GI sooner and saved her surgery etc. Ok, done with that vent.

However, before the Accutane, M was on doxycycline and minicycline and nothing helped her, ever.

We reluctantly started Accutane on a very small dose 10 mg (her prescribing dose should be 60 mg) and she has not flared. Her skin really started clearing when she cut back her dairy to almost nothing. It's been so complicated.
Thank you Tess. I read those threads when M was diagnosed. I truly believe all of these meds mess up the flora and such. I'm really routing for a cure w/fecal transplants. I really am.
Also this make me nervous. Kerry has just started her second course of 6 months of doxycycline.

Looking back Sarah had a 6 month course of doxycycline before dx. But the doxycycline was prescribed by a pedi who we saw for low body weight, low level iron deficiency anemia and asthma.

I believe she had the Crohn's first.