Hi everyone - just wanted to let you all know that my surgery went well, and no ostomy! The surgeon removed the abscess and about 12 inches of small intestine, and had good ends to reconnect.
He also said that what he saw when he got in there was much better than what the CT scans showed, and he said that had to be, at least in part, because of what i did to prepare! made me feel good about the juicing, walking and sticking to the low res / low fiber diet, and taking the supplements!
I had an epidural, and the pain was very well controlled. I did have a problem with getting my blood pressure stabilized after surgery, so was in ICU for 4 days, but was released yesterday - 10th, and able to go home (I live 150 miles from the hospital).
I am on 325 mg of percocet for pain, and that is working fine. Not happy about being back on prednisone, but it's only 20 mg a day, and will start tapering off in a few weeks. Back to regular (for me) diet. Looking forward to getting released by the surgeon so the GI doc can start some treatment.
I think that having the surgery while I was feeling good was a good idea. i think that is contributing to an easier recovery.
He also said that what he saw when he got in there was much better than what the CT scans showed, and he said that had to be, at least in part, because of what i did to prepare! made me feel good about the juicing, walking and sticking to the low res / low fiber diet, and taking the supplements!
I had an epidural, and the pain was very well controlled. I did have a problem with getting my blood pressure stabilized after surgery, so was in ICU for 4 days, but was released yesterday - 10th, and able to go home (I live 150 miles from the hospital).
I am on 325 mg of percocet for pain, and that is working fine. Not happy about being back on prednisone, but it's only 20 mg a day, and will start tapering off in a few weeks. Back to regular (for me) diet. Looking forward to getting released by the surgeon so the GI doc can start some treatment.
I think that having the surgery while I was feeling good was a good idea. i think that is contributing to an easier recovery.