If you have surgery depending on your health going in and coming out of the surgery make sure you have a family memember their with you AT ALL TIMES!
I fired my hospital after having the worst treatment EVER by any means an any of my visits to various hospitals. (I had used and semi-trusted this hospital for 3 years and its GI staff..)
I remember when I was 18 I had my first surgery... They removed 6 inches of the [wiki2="Small-Intestine"]small intestine[/wiki2] near the illosiocal? valve (the one next to the [wiki2="Large-intestine"]large intestine[/wiki2]) fixed two fistuals that connnected my small intestine to my bladder (kept having UTI (Uniary Tract Infection) but I was in so much pain and misery and I didn't stop and think hey guys shouldn't be getting UTI's..... Plus ummmmmmm air sputtered out when I pee'd... Freaked the ever loving hell out of me... I thought it was broken and I had ruptrued something... But I mean how the hell do you react to sputer sputer UTI when your a guy? You say everything is fine here nothing is broken it can't be broken cause if it was well you get the point.... And they removed my appendix too... As a side note if you are 22 or younger their has been documented studies showing you have a less likely chance of having recoring surgiers later on in life if you have your appendix removed before that age.....
I remember going in and then waking up in PAIN DEAR GOD PAIN.... They just had me on a morphine pump that you have to mash to get the morphine... I had never used one before.... So after that night of living hell (I kept forgettting to mash the buttton) I set my watch (cheap watch but with a count down stop feature) to buzzz every 5 minutes which is when I could get my morphine.... I did this for 4 days... Then I felt like my heart was gonna explode so I told them take me off the morphine completly..... I don't want it... I can't handle it... Big mistake their..... At the time I still had an NG tube down my throat a central line hooked into my neck, plus a regular IV, and a cathater stuck in me... I din't mind all of that before when I was on the morphine because hey I was on morphine.... That morining though my cathater bag was full... I felt like super crap had NO pain meds in me (4 days after surgery).... So I know physiscs and I know about pressure gradents.... So I stood up on the bed and called the nurse telling her she needed to come and empty the catheter..... 15 Minutes passeses till finaly the nurses shows up and has a freaking cow.... I tried to explain to her simple physics but all she saw was a patient standing in a bed....
I was gonna finish this but now I'm tired and I need to finsih laundry and make my bed (got a serta 4 inch memory foam topper from overstock.com for about 205 with 2 memory foam pillows tax shipping everything....) I'lll let you guys know if it sleeps good... Granted I never sleep but I'm goign to try ....
Ok night night