Switched to weekly Humira

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Mar 16, 2015
After six months of traditional (every two weeks) Humira injections, my GI has switched me to weekly injections, as well as upping my Imuran to 3/day. I had begun experiencing flares (some pain and frequent bathroom trips- no blood, thankfully).

My question is whether or not I should expect any changes/side effects from the weekly shots v. traditional? Also, my Dr. is seeking approval for Remicade (I am to do weekly Humira until I get approval). Will I experience any "withdrawals" when ending the Humira during the switch?

Thanks in advance for any advice!
No you shouldn't experience any withdrawal effects from moving from one biologic to another.

Weekly Humira shouldn't cause any extra side effects no more than when you injected every two weeks ie possible redness at injection site and such (if you even experienced that)

Hope things improve quickly for you.
Update: As of today, I have been without Humira for two weeks. My insurance denied the request for weekly dosing but my GI is prepping an arsenal of paperwork, with my charts, labs, etc., to challenge their decision. Still no word on the Remicade.

Thanks for all of the support!
Update: Off Humira, Remicade approved, but found out today they approved me for the wrong strength! SO, fortunately, my issues are manageable for now and I hope to have all straightened out next week and can get my infusion scheduled (should be easy as my GI does them en suite).