Symptom Changes

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 30, 2010
I needed to write this to see if anyone out there is having or did have the same symptoms as I have now. I have had Crohn's for approx. 15 years and it was tolerable. In the last 6 months or so I started to get more symptoms in which I haven't had in the past. I was on humira for a while but there was no change. My GI put me back on Remicade since in the past it had worked and I have had my second treatment with no changes. I always feel sick to my stomach with the nausea and burning between my ribcage and belly button. This pain or irritation only seems to lessen when I lay down. I have a lot of gas and constant gurgling noises and diarrhea. I dont see any blood but that dosen't mean that it isnt there. My routine blood tests show low Iron and Albumin levels. My Albumin got so low that I started to retain water in my legs and waist. I had to be put on diuretics for a few weeks to assist in the removal of the water and my Albumin slowly came back up but not to where it should be. I am on iron supplements for 3 months to bring those levels back up also. I also will have back pain across my mid back. I have never seen my stomach expand and contract so much. When i lay down it looks like a softball is running through my intestines, thats how high my tummy extends. I just finished a 24 hour urine test for protein loss (unsure what that tells him) i guess kidney condition. In all of the full blood tests, all that show up is the iron and albumin levels. I just don't know what to think ,to be honest I always think the worst (Big C). I have a CT scan of my intestines next Monday and am releived that something will be done but scared of the results. Can anyone relate to this??? Any words of encouragement ??? Help.
Hi Jonathan,
Sorry you have all these problems and it can be a frightening maze to wade through.
It could be that your body is reacting to the remicade, which does contain a foreign protein.The protein loss could relate to your kidney function among other things.
I would be asking the doctors to explain to you what all the tests mean and could it be a reaction to medication.
Its a good thing that you have a CT scan soon and that will help to establish what is going on inside.
There will be a solution and try to relax mentally, I know it will be difficult to do this physically with all the pain and discomfort that comes with crohn's.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Sounds like your body is really out of sorts at the minute! Your in the best hands so keep your chin up. Try and stay positive. I know your scared but there is lots of people sending you positive vibes.

Keep us posted on your progress x