Symptoms list for my GP

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Oct 20, 2010
Hi all

(I promise, once I am a bit more up to speed with myself, I'll be commenting on others' posts - I just don't feel 'qualified' at the moment...)

I'm off to my GP tomorrow morning to go over blood tests results and discuss next steps for investigations. Since I saw him last week, I've been having fun and games with the old bodily functions, so have written a list for him to take a look at - I'm going to write it here and you can see what you think:

Two mouth ulcers appeared right next to each other (never used to really get them)

Stomach is very tender and bloated - lots of gas!

Constantly feeling the need to 'go' - but when I do, nothing much for all the effort

Night sweats (last night and night before)

Blood (not a lot, but it shouldn't be there, should it!?)

Bottom is very sore 'inside' - every time I go, even if I don't produce much (and it has been very tiny pieces - sorry for the info) I get sharp pains in a particular place inside, just before the anus area. I don't have piles and can't see anything untoward.

To be honest - I am really exhausted. My eating has been all over the place - I can't tolerate fruit and veg - it's just too hard work for my digestion...

Anyway - it feels better to share it with you all, I hope that's OK.
Hey Dusty!!!

Thank you for pointing me in that direction - that's really helpful.

Well, I've switched back to D overnight after days of C... Something else to tell him!!

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