Systemic Candida Infection

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Jan 23, 2011
I'm sorry to put out such an unpleasant post, but I am really at my wits end here...

I have suffered from systemic candida it seems for many years. I feel as though I have been fighting it forever and spent an absolute fortune on treatment after treatment and it seems to be just getting worse! The symptoms are awful, coated tongue, flatulence, constipation, bloating, anxiety, neurological disturbances etc... Horrible.
I think me being on the 028 Elemental Diet has really messed up my intestinal Flora and made the Candida much worse. :(

Treatments I have tried:

3 Lac
Candigest Plus
Pau d'arco
Caprylic Acid
grapefruit seed extract
Coconut oil
anti-candida diet

You name it... All these things seem to do is cause awful Die Off symptoms without actually getting rid of the candida infection.

Does anyone else here suffer from candida?

Has anyone else ever tried anything that has actually worked and got rid of the candida?

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That's terrible, Heidi! One of the women that I work with has talked about Candida. She does not have Crohn's but I can ask her if she is familiar with the 028 Elemental Diet, or other options for getting rid of the Candida. Lots of love and hugs to you.

I have never gone through anything like that but several of my patients have. It does seem to kind of die off then come back. I hope you find your answers, hon. Seems like a real pain in the neck on top of everything else.
Good luck,
Heidi - What does your doctor say? The treatments you list all seem to be of the supplement variety, have you tried any anti fungal drugs, such as Nystatin? Maybe that, in combination with a potent probiotic, such as VSL #3, might be worth a go.
Thank you everyone for your kind words of support! I really appreciate this.

David, I have actually tried VSL 3, I must add it to the list of stuff I have tried!
I found it didn't seem to make a difference. As for my doctor, he doesn't even believe Systemic candida exists, so he won't prescribe me anything for it. I'm kind of stuck having to make do with the supplement variety. Very annoying indeed! :ymad:

Thank you everyone xxx
Hey Super:

You seem to be on the ball with having tried so many things! So, I suppose you've also tried the anti-candida diet along with all your other treatments? Looking at your list, have you also tried acidophilus? I know that acidophilus is recommended through probiotics, but you can get acidophilus on its own.

I'm not sure if it's financially possible for you, but have you considered seeing a naturopathic doctor? I ask because there's stuff like cat's claw, among other recommendations about certain medications to avoid (like birth control pills) that my naturopath recommended to me to avoid candida. I didn't have systemic candida like you do---I was just looking for preventative measures since I take antibiotics so often.

I wish you well as you struggle to get some answers. It's too bad that your doctor isn't listening because there might be some meds (Fluconazole comes to mind) that might be helpful.

i had a fungal infection from taking prednisone antibiotics and remicade. they gave me diflucan and nystatin for a couple of weeks. just request it from the doc and im sure they will write you a script
Thank you glum chump, for your advice! Yes I tried the anti-candida diet, I forgot to add that to my list. I shall add it momentarily! It didn't work to be honest.

As for acidophilis, I have tried it in bundle probiotics, along with other bacterias, but never as a supplement on its own, so maybe its worth considering. Thank you!

Bob the man, my GP refuses to acknowledge my candida, so he won't prescribe any anti-fungal meds, I would be better if I could just wipe the blighters out with powerful meds though, would just start with clean slate! I'm going to change my GP though, I don't find my current one very sensitive or helpful in anyway to my needs. So I think its time for a change, maybe my new one will be more open to new treatments.

Thank you everyone!

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It seems odd your doc won't even let you try an antifungal. The white coated tongue is a pretty classic sign of thrush (oropharyngeal candidiasis). I'm not surprised the probiotic alone didn't do much, without wiping out the fungus at the same time. Sounds like it's time to try someone new.