Tears Of Joy

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Sep 5, 2014
I literally cried tears of joy upon finding this forum. I didn't know it existed. I happened to run across it while googling pressure pain lying on right side as in the last two weeks this has become a serious problem for me. I have been sick with gastro inflammation type issues for a grand total of 6 YEARS! During that time I've had to stop working on two different occasions and currently am in the midst of fighting an appeal with disability. I'm only 28... just turned 28 on August 6th. For me to read and know that I'm not the only one living with this day to day and no doctors having the answers made me feel human again. All the negative test results, and doctors giving up is discouraging when you know something is very wrong inside your body. It brings me enormous comfort just to know that I'm not alone and to know that I now have a place where people don't think I'm crazy just because they can't see the pain I go through on a regular basis.
Hi and WELCOME!!

You are definitely not alone.

Sending you my support.