Telling people about my crohns

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 1, 2010

I'm wondering how and when you told new boyfriends/friends about your crohns? I have a nursing background so find it quite easy to talk about - just don't want to scare them off!

I would tell them whenever u feel comfortable. I was sick in the hospital when I found out I had crohns. When I went back to work, everyone wanted to know what had happen. You would be surprised how many people around you either have crohns or have a family member or good friends have it. Good Luck!

I think you are doing partners a favour by letting them know early - if they can't take it, it wouldn't be a good fit. If they can - so much the better. I took this approach with my wife, and made sure that she saw and understood (as much as possible) what the attacks look like before we got married. Even then Crohn's surprised both of us! I think Quickswife is right - a lot of people have at least heard of it before, and I really don't think it is fair to the relationship for it to proceed too long without it being known. Hope you find a good partner!

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