Terrified of getting stomach flu!

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Mar 16, 2012
United States
I am so scared of getting the stomach flu. I know a couple people who have fallen sick with it recently and so I know it is circulating. I guess My fear is because last time I got it I ended up with a nasty UTI due to all the diarrhea and then ended up with a nasty yeast issues afterwards as well. Then my intestines were a mess for a whole year afterwards. I would get awful pain and cramps all the time. The last time I had it was three years ago and afterwards is when all my intestinal issues started.

Is anyone else here afraid of getting this stomach bug? My son who is 22 is a complete slob and does NOT believe in washing his hands. I am worried he will bring it home. And you know once one person gets it, everyone is going to get it as it is highly contagious. My husband is a teacher so he is exposed to kids all the time as well.. He is a good hand washer though so hopefully that helps. When does this stupid flu stop circulating??
A lot of "stomach flus" are actually Norovirus. I don't think it has a "season" the way influenza does.

Fanatical handwashing is the only thing you can do, I'm afraid. Good luck to you.
Yeah, it is norovirus. I just remember hearing on the news that it is more common is the fall and winter, but I know some people who are getting it now in April. I wash my hands like crazy, but sadly, that will not work if someone brings it home. I remember when I first got it, my hubby brought it home and I was seriously fanatic about washing my hands and so was he! We did not even share a bathroom and I still got it, so did my son!! There is NO way to prevent it once it gets in the home I believe. Ugh, I guess all I can do is pray no one here gets it:eek2:
I had norovirus a few years back, it was unpleasant to say the least. My partner had it, brought it home, and then she blamed me for giving her food poisoning until she read a report that it was going around. I fortunately did not flare because of it, but it definitely hit me a lot harder than it hit her. But it is over really quickly and usually become immune for a few years.
Oh yeah, that is it, the norovirus. I call it the cruise ship virus since cruise ships seem to be very good about spreading the illness. Yeah, I had it about three years ago and it was nasty. I can actually say that is when all my gut issues started, it was shortly after getting over that virus. I guess that is another reason I am afraid of getting it. I hope maybe we can be immune to it for some time after getting it, but I think the virus mutates to stronger strains pretty often. If that is the case then we are no longer immune.. I guess I can only hope I don't get it.

I had norovirus a few years back, it was unpleasant to say the least. My partner had it, brought it home, and then she blamed me for giving her food poisoning until she read a report that it was going around. I fortunately did not flare because of it, but it definitely hit me a lot harder than it hit her. But it is over really quickly and usually become immune for a few years.
I had norovirus a few years back...But it is over really quickly and usually become immune for a few years.

My primary care doc told me that it's possible to become re-infected with norovirus shortly after having it, so I just googled. From google, it sounds like there's a short window (a few months perhaps) where you're immune to re-infection from norovirus - not a few years.

Can I get infected with norovirus more than once?
A person can be infected with norovirus more than once. Although there is a short period of time (likely a few months) immediately following infection with Norovirus that a person is protected from reinfection, it is only a temporary protection.
From: https://www.scdhec.gov/health/disease/gastroenteritis-norovirus.htm

Ihurt, as others have said, wash your hands often. Don't rely on hand sanitizer - you know how they say it kills 99.9% of germs? Norovirus and C diff are in that 0.1% that aren't killed by hand sanitizer. Hand washing, and bleaching of surfaces are your best bet to avoid it (so if your son doesn't wash his hands, use a bleach wipe on doorknobs, countertops, etc that he touches). If an infected person prepares your food, they could pass it along to you, so avoid going to restaurants very often if you're this concerned, prepare your own food. Stuff like that should hopefully help you avoid it. Good luck and hang in there!
I had it 5 or so years ago, the information I read at the time gave a much longer time frame. Oh well.
A few months is better than I thought, honestly. My doc made it sound like you could immediately get re-infected again (he said, for example, I could get it, give it to my husband, then he could pass it back to me, and so on - that's a frightening thought to keep passing a virus back and forth like that!). So even a few short months, at least you're not going to re-infect yourself a few days later from touching the same infected doorknob or whatever.
Hey Cat,

Actually your doctor is right. We know a lady who works with my husband who has like 9 family members. Well when that flu was going around their house our friend said that first she got it, then her hubby and then her kids started coming down with it. Well by the time it reached the last kid, she got it again. I think it is because the virus had a chance to mutate. I guess what they say is if you get the Stomach flu and the virus does not mutate, usually you wont get that same one again. But if it mutates then a person can catch it again. Ughh, that sucks. Oh, and yes, I wash my hands like crazy all the time. Sadly, when my husband got it three years ago, He was super careful as was I with constant hand washing, but it did not matter, it still went around. I remember asking my GI doc about it once on what I could do to prevent getting it if a family member brought it home again and he said that the reason that virus is soo contagious is because you only need a Very small amount of the virus to get infected, like a million particles of something. Well there is like a billion particles in just one droplet that can emit into the air when one vomits or coughs. He said they even call it the family gut virus because it is almost impossible not to catch it once a family member has it. BUT, I will say that when my husband brought it home, well my son got it and I got it, but my dad who lives with us did not get it... So I guess it can depend upon the person's overall immune system too. Well mine sucks so I am always at risk for getting anything that is going around which is why I always wash my hands.

But yeah, that is one sickness I am so scared of getting. I mean for me it is not like just getting a tummy bug for a couple days and then back to normal. No, I will get the tummy bug, then a Huge UTI and then will have to treat that and will get yeast issues and my IC bladder will be flared for gosh knows how long. It will just be a nightmare like it always is. I guess that is why I am terrified to get it.. Before I was so sick like I am, I never use to be worried. I would get sick and get over it like every other normal person. Not anymore:ymad:

A few months is better than I thought, honestly. My doc made it sound like you could immediately get re-infected again (he said, for example, I could get it, give it to my husband, then he could pass it back to me, and so on - that's a frightening thought to keep passing a virus back and forth like that!). So even a few short months, at least you're not going to re-infect yourself a few days later from touching the same infected doorknob or whatever.

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