We have a follow up appointment in May, first one after our 10 year old son was diagnosed with Crohn's and I'm wondering what tests to expect and if others normally have them done prior to the appointment so that they can be discussed. Right now he has only been on Entocort and we're working with a nutritionist. We're hoping to delay the "big guns" as long as we can and are also open to LDN (although I suspect our GI won't be).
My son has not had any testing (other than a vitamin D check from the nutritionist) since his colonoscopy. I'm assuming based on reading these boards that at the very least a blood and stool test should be done. Is that far off? And yet another stupid question since we've never done a stool test: What do I do? Keep it in the fridge? Keep it out? How long? Is a specimen cup from a pharmacy ok or a special bag?
My son has not had any testing (other than a vitamin D check from the nutritionist) since his colonoscopy. I'm assuming based on reading these boards that at the very least a blood and stool test should be done. Is that far off? And yet another stupid question since we've never done a stool test: What do I do? Keep it in the fridge? Keep it out? How long? Is a specimen cup from a pharmacy ok or a special bag?