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Just to be clear, my problem with these ''anti-MAP cocktail studies'' isn't MAP. The fact a mycobacteria that causes disease in animals is in the human food chain, needs to be looked at, it should have been looked at decades ago when Dalziel pointed it out.

My problem is that people are apparently being given these broad spectrum ''anti-MAP antibiotics cocktails'' without knowing if MAP is the culprit, they don't even try to culture MAP from these patients.

There is reason to believe that these antibiotics cocktails might make matters worse.

1) antibiotics use predisposes people to develop crohn's disease

2) antibiotics with a subsequent E Coli infeciton is used to mimmick crohn's disease in mice

3) we have a pretty accurate model how antibiotics cause dysbiosis and gives AIEC a fitness advantage in CD patients

4) those anti-MAP antibiotics are highly ineffective against crohn's disease associated E Coli, yersinia, salmonella and enterobacteriaceae  in general

5) those people on ''anti-MAP cocktails'' have not been tested for the presence of MAP, from what I am reading

In the Selby anti-MAP antibiotics trial 59% of the antibiotic group and 50% of the placebo group relapsed within a year. It doesn't make any sense to have so many people relapse so quickly if the culprit was a slow dividing bacteria like MAP. If the culprit was MAP, they should have stayed in sustained remission. Paratuberculosis incubation period for MAP can be 4 or 5 years in ruminants.
