The Dreaded Company Pot-luck

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Jan 5, 2009
Today is my quarterly company pot-luck. There is NOTHING I can eat. But, I guess I am sort of to blame cuz I didn't bring anything.

Last time I did bring a dish people thought my humus & pita was gross...not that I cared, it just sucks when everyone is asking why you are not eating everything. THEN the fat people (about 75% of my co-workers) are like "you need some meat on your bones...have some chili mac or fied chicken wings!"

Anyway enough bitching.

How do you guys handle the pot-luck situations?

I think I may just lock my office door & enjoy my egg on whole wheat alone. :)
well what you can do is fix a plate with a few things on it, just mouth it and carefully spit it out in a napkin, or just make it look like your eating it, then toss the plate away when no one is looking. :)
Kittee said:
well what you can do is fix a plate with a few things on it, just mouth it and carefully spit it out in a napkin, or just make it look like your eating it, then toss the plate away when no one is looking. :)

Funny you should say that....when I do eat something red meat, I end up spitting the grissle into my napkin but when in front of other people that can be embarrassing. Luckily my wife doesn't mind & understands my issues with "un-digestible matter".

Agent & Kittee- yesssss Hummus FTW!!!:ycool:
Everyone at my work knows about my they understand why I can't eat certain things, and when we do have potlucks, a few of them actually ASK me what I can and can't eat!! how nice of them!!

I usually bring hummous and pita, or pasta salad...everyone here LOVE hummous!! Some people are could you NOT love hummous?? unless of course you don't have any gum or mints with you!! haha.

If there is some sort of pot luck thing happening, I will definitely bring something that I know I can's bland for the most part...but I don't care!! People can put sauce on it or something. haha.
I ended up going to the park on the lakefront with my wife & dogs & had my egg sammich. It is a rare 73* & sunny here. So it was awesome. Plus I don't really like the people I work with. :D
lol sounds like you found the perfect solution :D

by the way, i love hummus too.. always have some in my fridge and it gets used in every meal i can find a way of adding it to. not just because i like it, but because it is so easy to digest, never causes me any problems, & is really versatile.
Haha - well that's ONE way around it!
I guess without knowing what you CAN eat - I wouldn't have any ideas for the next time you need to bring something. Can you eat cheese and crackers? A little tray of that would at least give you something to snack on. What can you eat/not eat? I'll list you off some great ideas!
Maybe if you tell them, in a nice tone, of course, that that type of food will look the same going out as it did coming in!!!
They may never speak to you again,
I already ate before I came works sometimes too.