The Little Things

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Apr 28, 2012
I was just wondering what "little special things" to you do for your child when they're ill?

It matters not if the "special thing" is simple or easy, as long as it brings a sense of comfort it's all worth it.:hug:
My hubby buys flowers for Grace and she loves to look at them from her bed.

For both my kids when colds hit, I decorate the tissue box for them with their name, love notes and stickers.

When Grace's JRA is bad I'll heat up a towel in the drier and wrap it around her when she gets out of the bath.
I'm pretty strict with the pop in our house. Before IBD hit I would always make a special trip to the store to get a 7-up slurpee and a ginger ale. We would then bring out the electric blanket and snuggle while watching the show that THEY got to pick. Cuddle time with mom or dad and picking the show is always a fight in our house with 5 kids!!!
I let DS play unlimited video games, even at 3am, if he can't sleep. He says they distract him and take his mind off of his pain.
I'm pretty strict with the pop in our house. Before IBD hit I would always make a special trip to the store to get a 7-up slurpee and a ginger ale. We would then bring out the electric blanket and snuggle while watching the show that THEY got to pick. Cuddle time with mom or dad and picking the show is always a fight in our house with 5 kids!!!

Thanks so far everyone.

Crohniekid I do this also with my two. We love cherry
7-up. Also growing up pop was saved for just illness.:hug:
A gets special treats after labs, procedures, etc. Usually something simple like going out for ice cream or letting her pick a spot for lunch.

But I also have to be careful that my other daughter doesn't get jealous of the extra attention A gets. So M and I have taken up baking together. It is a way for us to spend time together doing something she enjoys (baking isn't my favorite thing in the world but she likes it) and then we can share the finished product with the family. It is "our thing" and that makes her feel special too.
My kids are too old for this now :( but, when they were young, if they were sick, they were allowed to sleep with me all night (poor hubby was delegated to their bed! :lol:) I'd let them stay up and watch tv in bed with me - also gave me a bit of peace of mind that they were next to me in case they felt sick overnight. Don't miss the 'sick' side of it but miss those special moments... :)
Don't do it so much anymore but always made up a nice comfy bed on the couch and they were allowed to eat in the family room (rule generally is no food on the carpet) and they were allowed to watch a ton of movies