The order that you eat food in

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Bourbon Bandito
Jul 8, 2010
the order that you eat food in

So a couple of years back, when I still had cable, I saw this British show (that I can't recall the name of) that had this woman going around to people who were overweight and had bad eating habits and showing them how badly they were eating and how to fix that.

So the episode was this one guy who in addition to being overweight, also had very bad gas. And one of the things she brought up was the order in which you eat food can have an effect on gas pains and how often and bad smelling the farts were.

The idea was that foods that take longer to digest should be eaten last, because the foods that were easier to digest would stay behind them and ferment in the system making the gas worse.

The heavier the food the further back it went in the eating order.

So you would eat in this order: fruit => vegetables => starches => non meat proteins & dairy => fish => meat

That was generally how I ate anyway because when I was a kid I would eat the veg first to get it out of the way and saved the meat for last because I liked it the best, so it was habit that I kept as I got older.

It makes sense, it is one of those things I heard that I thought it was interesting, like laying on your left side to help digestion (although I'm not sure hoe true that is).
Well laying on your left side does work, when I was younger and used to get stomach aches (that I now believe were Crohn's related), I used to lay on my left side to get rid of them. No one told me to, I just found that was the only position to ease the pain.

As for eating things in the right order, generally people's stomachs don't empty that fast, so the food just gets mixed up in there anyway?
My partner begins by eating protein first and then veggies. I think the theory has something to do with how protein interacts with your metabolism, and if you're trying to lose weight, you should begin with protein.

On the other hand, I always begin with my starches as they're the most gentlest on my stomach. So mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. enter my gut first and then the other things on my plate go in afterwards. I eat veggies at the end and cross my fingers that there's enough food in my stomach to not warrant a gut ache from the veggies.

On a more weird note, laying on my *right* side releases gas and also makes my tummy hurt more, not my left. Go figure.

In a recent article in the New York Times Health section, there was an article about sleeping on the left side being the most positive for those suffering from heartburn.
Sleeping on the left side also keeps your sword hand free. Just in case you are attacked while sleeping.
I like to sleep on my right side. That way my right hand is under the pillow where I keep the .45!! Don't bring a knife to a gun-fight Von!!
was this the woman

Its Gillian Mckeith. One lass from that tv series was actually diagnosed with Crohns disease if i remember correctly
Vonfunk... the idea you describe is known as "food combining" and was quite popular a few years ago. I even tried it myself, and the thinking behind it is quite sensible really. I wouldn't be surprised if you google "food combining" you'll find loads of stuff about it.

I would advise googling "Gillian McKeith" though
Yes Rygon, that's her.

And the only episode that I had ever seen was the one I described.

And Dexky relax, times have changed we no longer need to fear the Red Coats, and on a side note your state is beautiful.

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