The worst timing

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May 5, 2010
My body has the worst timing! I've been at work for 7 hours and 50 minutes... which means in 10 minutes I get to go home. So of course, my body picks that exact time to start giving me cramps and d. I have some Lomotil with me, but that usually takes about 30 minutes to kick in. Which means that either I have to stay 20 minutes late at work for my Lomotil to kick in, or I am going to have to make some pit stops on my drive home from work. Ugggh.

This isn't the first time my body's decided to have horrible timing, either. I remember at one point this summer, I was just about to leave the house to go visit family, when all of a sudden craaaaaaammmp followed by about 6 bathroom trips. I eventually made it to see family, but I was a couple of hours later than I had wanted to be. I wish I'd get some sort of a warning sign before my body decides that now is the perfect time for d and cramps! :mad:
Thanks Mark & Ames, I took some more lomotil last night and had a hot bath followed by some quality time with my heating pad, and I do feel a bit better today. I managed to make it home from work without any pit stops, but as soon as I got home I headed straight for the bathroom! I've got to drive about an hour and a half tomorrow for Thanksgiving, so hopefully I don't get any more inopportune cramps during that trip.
Sorry to hear that Cat. Hope you're feeling much better now?
A couple of weeks ago I got hit by intense cramps and lots of d (unusual for me now) this all happened just befor some workmen were coming round to fit new windows in our bathroom. Typical!! I could see myself having to rush to the toilet just as they took out the whole window for all the world to see and hear!! Luckily I seemed to get rid of everything just before they got here.
Thanks Sam. The Lomotil finally seemed to do the trick and I haven't gone at all today! No more cramps either so I am doing okay for the moment. I'm glad you didn't have a problem while the workmen were working in your bathroom - I take it you only have one bathroom? We only have one at the moment but we will soon be adding a second bathroom in our basement. It will be nice to have two bathrooms, especially since I'm living with two boys (husband and brother) and sometimes they spend too much time in there.
Who was it ended up using a trashcan in the garden shed because their one and only bathroom was being redecorated or something? We only have one bathroom, but luckily don't very often have d so we manage. But there have been times when bum cramps have hit so suddenly and forcefully I was unable to get up the stairs and resigned myself to having an accident! Luckily once I resigned myself to that fact the cramp eases just long enough for the mad dash. And the moral to this story is: don't take out the downstairs toilet and turn it into a cupboard figuring one bathroom is enough. It isn't.
Ha! Good moral Rebecca! We only have room for one bathroom unfortunately... There have been times when I've had to holler at my boyfriend to get off the loo as Ive been so desperate to go. Thank goodness he's so understanding ;)
I'm glad you're soon better Cat. Codeine blocks me up totally. And being blocked up like that makes me feel worse than the d. A no win situation. Does it not hurt you to be so blocked?
Sam: It'll be quite uncomfortable in another day or two if I don't go by then, but I'm sure I will have gone by then. Stress usually un-blocks me quickly, and since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, that'll be more than enough stress for things to get moving quickly again, ha ha. Any family get-togethers are fairly stressful, and I'm sure this one will be no exception. If I really want to get un-blocked quickly, I could always just drink some coffee too. That always seems to do the trick. ;)

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