This may be controversial but I wanted to bring it up - gardasil vaccine

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Sep 19, 2010
I know we have had a little talk of vaccination on here. I felt this is especially important to bring up with our immunocompromised kids.
As you probably know Gardasil is the vaccine which is supposed to protect against the HPV virus and help prevent cervical cancer.
A couple of facts, there are over 150 types of HPV virus. gardasil and the other HPV vaccines protect against 2 to 4. Most of these HPV viruses clear up on their own. At this point the Gardasil vaccine has only been proved to offer any type of protection for five years.
There is a big issue with the gardasil vaccine. Multiple people who have gotten it have died or had severe vaccine reactions.
(I worked in Women's health and saw first hand two girls have severe allergic reactions to the vaccine and end up in hospital)
I am bringing this up because our children are more delicate and at greater risk of having a bad reaction to this vaccine. I want every parent to be able to make a fully informed decision before allowing their child to be given this vaccine.
At our pediatrician the other day we saw a new doctor and she kept trying to push it on my daughter even after I told her no multiple times.
This link is one girls story of what happened when she received the vaccine.

Please make an informed decision for your child and don't let it be pushed on you if you decide not to give it.
My two cents: I agree that if the consequences outweigh the risks it is always best to risk a vaccine. However, that being said, perhaps the 2 to 4 types of that are causing the horrible cancers, and the rest may not be so important? I am not informed enough to talk about this, but I always pose these questions for any medications. So here the question would be, is there a test that can be done before the vaccination to see if there are allergies to the active/inactive ingredients?
At times it is not the actual medication, but the suspension it is in. They sometimes fail to look at the whole package, and assume that it is the medication. If there is a preservative mixed in there, for example?
I know the fix for this problem is probably to educate everyone on how the HPV is transmitted, and take better precautions or avoid exposure. But that lifestyle is not for everyone, so prevention comes in many forms. It should be a choice, regardless. People should be able to choose if they want to be vaccinated or not, but should be informed of the consequences of both choices.
Actually not a strangers story. I have spoken with the Mom and as I said before I knew two girls it happened to personally.
If you also look up Katie Couric, she did an expose on this as well.
As far as it being the suspension of the medication in this situation I don't think it is the case. But I can't say for sure. There is no way to protest for an allergy.

Yes, and the facts about whether or not this is actually preventing what it needs to prevent, or if they are just spitting on a forest fire. The vaccine was developed to prevent the HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18 from infecting those who are sexually active. But are those the main types of HPV causing cervical and penile cancers? Or are there more, and this is giving them a false sense of security?

I am not sure what the statistics are in reality, but after the issues in Japan, they pulled it from the required vaccine list. So where there's smoke, there's fire. I think many of the vaccines these days seem to be sliding backwards in quality, and I think that some of the issues are bad batches. Probably even getting swept under the rug that this is what the real issue is, quality control.

Of course, like I said, I would like to see it made a requirement to have people checked for reactions BEFORE getting any vaccine.
There are a fair number of POTs patients that feel their dysautonomia was caused by the Gardisil vaccine due to the fact that there symptoms presented shortly after the vaccine was given. I can't say as I never had the vaccine and there are so many underlying causes to secondary POTs not to mention primary POTs and its unknown etiology. The Mom in the story mentions sitting/standing heart rate and syncope, sounds like she has POTs
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I was always against the gardisil vac as well. My daughter was diag with IBS for a year when she developed bumps on her stomach that wouldn't go away. When I took her to the doc to get them looked at, he scared me into giving her the gardisil vac by saying the bumps were the same virus as hpv, within a week or so after the vac she ended up in the hospital diag with crohns. We went back to the doc for her 2nd shot of gardisil. I explained she was recently diag with crohns and was on a handful of meds but they assured me it made no diff. A few days after the 2nd shot she was bleeding which she had never done before and back in the hospital. I never gave her the 3rd for fear of what would happen next, her doc said it had nothing to do with the shot but after doing my own research when you read the gardisil warning it does mention to seek doc advice if you have an auto immune disease. I think my daughter started with IBS but after the vaccine iit kicked her into ibd (just my opinion).

When my son went to a derma for the same virus his doc wanted to give him acne meds and asked if anyone in the family had autoimmune disease because the meds could give him lupus, when I told her yes crohns she said oh well that's ok as long as it's not lupus. I did not give my son the acne meeds.
Thanks for mentioning the vaccine. Google gardisil and crohns you may be surprised.
I also just read in the USA they are going to start pushing to give this vaccine to newborns. How does that make any sense when the research says the vaccine is only active for five years? Are you telling me newborns are sexually active and need to be given this vaccine?
Several countries have outlawed it. The problem with us is big pharma controls everything here.
Not saying the vaccine is good or bad
But the cellular changes needed to take place and be seen on a scope to dx crohn's need to happen longer than two weeks .
There are acute changes and chronic inflammatory changes .
So anything that happened in that short of a period ( ie shot and two weeks later dx)
Can't be related

Longer term maybe ...
My kiddo did not get the vaccine yet btw .
I had the vaccination. Zero adverse reactions, period. I am slightly biased because I work in public health, and have researched the actual epidemiological data associated with the vaccinations. Why don't you, as a parent look at the actual clinical trial data, or the data CDC puts out? Oh right..because everyone is in conspiracy together and rather have their kids get sick or possibly die from vaccine preventable diseases. Anything has it's risks. Would you rather your precious child who will never ever have any form of sex in his or her life take a vaccine, or instead go out there and get infected with a potentially damaging disease? The rates of disease are far higher, with much more serious health affects then the actual number/rates of adverse events associated with the vaccine. Blogs, random websites... can't believe what people will believe now in days...
I still think adverse reactions are not caused by that. The problems some do suffer with are real. I think we are talking bad batch, preservative or suspension issues, something other than the focus of these studies.
From June 2006- March 2013, over 57 million doses of HPV vaccine were administered. VAERS (CDC's vaccine related adverse event reporting system), received 22,00 reports of adverse reactions. Close to 92% were deemed "non-serious" from headache, fever, nausea. The remaining events... So 8% of 22,000 is 1,760 out of 57 million doses, reported serious events, such as hospitalization, prolonged hospitalization of pre existing health condition. Conversely, annually, there are over 12,000 cases in the US of HPV associated cancer. Over 5.2% of newly diagnosed cancer cases in the US each year are related/caused by the HPV virus. If a virus caused any other form of cancer, rather then this taboo sexually associated cancer, people would be lining the streets for a cure, for a treatment, for a prevention. As a 25 year old female, with many health problems, I value my fertility, and well being. HPV can be spread even through touching, even with condom use. HPV affects 1 of 3 persons in their lifetime, sometimes more. As someone with a compromised immune system, I wash my hands, and am hyper vigilant protecting myself from any illness. Sadly, there is no testing for men, unless it presents as cancer or genital warts, so the true prevalence of the disease is unknown, and probably much greater then estimated.
Kimmidwife: I genuinely mean no distrespect to you as I can see that this is something that you feel very strongly about but your sources are all "alternative health" that only use other alternative health websites and anecdotes as "evidence" supporting their position. If you refer to, there are loads and loads of scientific sources that are all very credible and have been peer-reviewed. Of particular interest is this information: "It does not contain mercury, thiomersal, live viruses or dead viruses, only virus-like particles, which cannot reproduce in the human body." and other information about studies that show that occurances of risks associated with this vaccine is unbelievably small and no more than other vaccines.

I received the series of 3 guardasil vaccines while on Methotrexate and had absolutely no reaction whatsoever and I will definitely be giving any future children of mine this vaccine. I personally consider my long-term health and the long-term health of my future children to be worth the incredibly small risk of a negative reaction to this vaccine.
Why listen to sound scientific evidence, when you can find sensationalist Bull off the internet (in my opinion).
Well, if you're looking for anecdotes, I've personally received all 3 Gardasil vaccinations without incident. I get the flu shot every year. I've been vaccinated for every type of hepatitis that vaccines exist for. All my boosters are up to date.


Because I'm immune suppressed (steroids, Remicade, etc.) and I'll take all the help fighting nasty viruses that I can get!

(Worry about Big Pharma being evil when it spends money on cures for baldness instead of 3rd world diseases that kill millions every year. Don't be concerned about extremely safe vaccines that are orders of magnitude more likely to save someone's life than they are to even cause a headache!)
I have been asked at both of Jack's previous ped check ups but the first time he was being tested for mono and strep so we decided it would not be a good time and the last time he was on antibiotics and couldn't get it so I have not had to make this decision yet, however I have read that it can have an adverse reaction with immunosuppressants and anti TNF so at this point I will have to say no and will keep doing my research
But I guess I will have to make the decision for my non-IBD son who will go for his check up (13yo) in April.
I have no objection to discussing vaccinations on Crohn’s forum but I do not see the relevance in discussion based around pro/anti vax beliefs.

It will always be polarising with each side claiming they have the superior evidence and/or it dissolves into a science v’s big pharma debate. That being the case would it not be better to raise these views on the appropriate forums or Facebook pages?

Again, there is nothing wrong with asking about vaccinations in immunocompromised persons and responding with first hand experiences and/or links to reliable studies to support what is being said but when it comes to such a sensitive and personal topic as this it is best if the overt personal opinions and emotion is left out of it. If that can’t be done then don’t post as failure to do so will inevitably lead to the thread being closed.

Kim my first two kids received NO vaccines, ever. Violet and my last one did, but widely spaced apart and didn't start until age 2.5. I did not and will not give Violet Gardasil. If she wants it as a young adult (age 18) she can get it herself.

My thought on the connection to autoimmune diseases is, like our discussion on antibiotics given early, SOME pts are triggered and many (most) are not. Genetics, individual physiological makeup and unknown factors all are components.
I have no objection to discussing vaccinations on Crohn’s forum but I do not see the relevance in discussion based around pro/anti vax beliefs.

It will always be polarising with each side claiming they have the superior evidence and/or it dissolves into a science v’s big pharma debate. That being the case would it not be better to raise these views on the appropriate forums or Facebook pages?

Again, there is nothing wrong with asking about vaccinations in immunocompromised persons and responding with first hand experiences and/or links to reliable studies to support what is being said but when it comes to such a sensitive and personal topic as this it is best if the overt personal opinions and emotion is left out of it. If that can’t be done then don’t post as failure to do so will inevitably lead to the thread being closed.


I find that closing threads due to open discussions about concerns would be very inappropriate on a forum that is made for open discussion. You may want to clarify why you would want to censor any of that, before I decide to quit an interesting forum due to the possible censorship of interesting threads.
You will find that people have a right to express themselves in America, right or wrong. And if educating them on the facts comes from that discussion, we all win.

So I'm questioning what your post or intentions are Dusty?
durwardian, crohnsforum, is a support forum first and foremost. When a thread devolves and is no longer a source of support but instead causing stress or anxiety then moderators may make the decision to close the thread.

Dusty, I have never fully appreciated this forum until my new dx. My natural reaction since being a part of this great forum was to seek out support group pages for the new dx. I have found so much drama and so many threads that lead to bickering instead of support. I'm am grateful for the way the admins and moderators handle this forum. It is a true gem for info and support! Thank you all so much for the hard work to make this place a truly exceptional place!
I think Dusty's point is that information can be shared without making the opposing view feel like poop. The tone of some of the responses, whether meant to be or not, didn't come across well.

We're just parents of chronically ill children trying to make the best decisions we can for them. It seems like we are faced with these decisions non stop and vaccines are another area where it comes up. Some of us have made mistakes already in which our kids have paid the price. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I will regret to my dying day not getting my son on a biologic sooner. Now the big decision on my plate is this particular vaccine. Will this be another decision I make on behalf of my son that I will regret later?

Discussions like this are good in that I went through and read every single link that's been posted so far. I'm still undecided but, I think, currently leaning towards "not yet" mostly because of what Jacqui posted about the interaction with Remicade. I just got my boy back and don't want to take risks, even if they're only in my mind, yet. The vaccine will either still be here in a few years... or maybe not if the Japan info is true.

So, I appreciate the links and would like to see more, but it would be nice to not have the insinuations that I (and the other parents) are idiots. I save my thick skin for hospital stays and doctor appts.... not here.
I always worry about being part of an experiment. We experience that enough with crohns meds. A new vaccine always has that with it... even the chicken pox vaccine...was supposed to be a one shot thing. Then many years later it was found to need a booster. I think that could've potentially put girls at risk... being pregnant and thinking they are immune to it...And then catch chicken pox. I decided not to have my daughter get the hpv one. I figured-When shes older then she could make her own decision and there would be more data. She's married now and is glad she didn't do it. She saved herself for marriage and found a guy who believed the same. So I'm glad i didn't make the decision for her back when. Just my opinion of course. And my daughter doesn't have crohns...
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I recently had Dani vaccinated for HPV. Here in Ontario, Canada it is administered by public health, in the middle school. You can opt out, but all children are vaccinated unless the parent requested not.

We decided to vaccinate Dani even though she is immune compromised and has a history of allergic reaction to multiple medications. We did so BECAUSE she is immune compromised. Like Measles, or TB, I can not count on the general population to protect her from a disease or illness. If someone she is in contact with has it, she has NO chance of fighting it off. She has a mild headache, and was tired after each of the shots. My fear is she already has a higher chance of cancers thanks to the biologics etc. She needs all the help she can get to stay as helathy as possible.

I admit, I am slightly biased. My next door neighbor worked on this & the SARS vaccine, and my brother has contributed to scientific medical reporting while in pre-med. Understanding their methodology and all they go through makes me much more trusting of vaccines. I still research to the hilt, but I never want to be on the side of finding out Dani got cervical cancer or polio and I could have prevented it.

In the end it is a personal decision, one that information on the internet probably won't help, only harm.
I find that closing threads due to open discussions about concerns would be very inappropriate on a forum that is made for open discussion. You may want to clarify why you would want to censor any of that, before I decide to quit an interesting forum due to the possible censorship of interesting threads.
You will find that people have a right to express themselves in America, right or wrong. And if educating them on the facts comes from that discussion, we all win.

So I'm questioning what your post or intentions are Dusty?

The responses by Clash and Mehita are exceptionally accurate in the reason I posted.

I feel that I am very open minded and at times probably to a fault. I encourage and welcome robust and respectful discussion but as history has demonstrated topics such as these often derail into something that serves no one any good.

As you have seen I did not lock down this thread but merely put out a gentle reminder to be mindful of the views of others. We all have the capability to respond in a kind and compassionate manner and I realise at times this is not always possible. When those times do arise then it is far better to walk away than engage in sledging.

Mehita has very eloquently laid out the reasons why as parents these decisions are especially heartbreaking. As a parent the very thing we excel at is worry and guilt. To have a child with this disease bestows upon us enough guilt to last a thousand lifetimes as there is nothing worse than having to make a decision on behalf of the person you love more than life itself.

With that in mind it is not hard to understand that threads such as these can become charged with emotion. I do not wish any parent here to say something they will later regret when they are clearly distressed. Under these circumstances I have locked down threads.

As Clash has said, this is a support forum first and foremost and as such I will uphold those principles of the forum if I feel they are being breached. The decision to lock down a thread is never done lightly and does not involve the views of one person only. Such issues are discussed amongst the administrative staff so a balanced and reasonable outcome is achieved.

Dusty. are awesome..Thank You! All of this forum! I feel so "at home" here even though I do not post often..I keep up with all of you and pray for your precious children xoxo I opted out of HPV vaccine for both of my Crohn's kids; I am still on the fence about my 13 yo non-IBD daughter. Olivia's pediatrician was not even comfortable vaccinating her with all she has been through (had cancer diagnosis on top of CD in 2011). It is a very personal is grueling for us either way! Love you guys! xoxo Kim
The reason what I posted was from alternative sites is because not a lot of people want to admit certain things. However, I worked in women's health. I saw personally two girls be sent to the hospital with severe vaccine reactions to Gardasil so I was commenting from personal experience.
I personally have had a very bad reaction to a vaccine that has permanently changed my life. My purpose of bringing this up was just to make other people aware of things that are going on and don't blindly accept without being educated.
We saw a new pediatrician in our practice who kept trying to push this on my daughter even after I had already said no. I never said I don't believe in all vaccines. We have had in our kids besides myself some vaccine issues. So for our last two kids we did a very slow vaccine schedule, starting at age one year and only one shot each visit. Thankfully doing that our last two kids had no issues. One of the issues I think today is the fact that these kids are number one given vaccines at to young an age and number two given to many vaccines at once causing the babies immune system to be overwhelmed. Those are my personal thoughts on the vaccine issue. I am not saying people should not be vaccinated at all and with Gardasil if the studies only show it works for five years why are we giving it to infants? Does that make any sense?