So, prior to Crohn's I would always buy toilet paper which was easy on the environment, the scratchy recycled kind. Unfortunately, what is good for for the environment is not necessarily good for your butt. As my bathroom trips increased, so did my need for better paper. I am now disregarding the environment and purchasing the softest fluffiest TP money can buy. I'm now trying to wean myself back to work and I have to say, after the 5th trip to the work can in 3 hours I'm starting to really miss my fluffy TP. I'm trying to decide, I either take over the TP stocking responsibility and supply the entire office with fluffy TP on my own dime so it is there when I need it. Or I carry my own TP to the bathroom every time I go which means parading it down the hall and past reception. It is already pretty embarrassing going every 30-45 minutes, the last thing I want to do is draw more attention to myself. Or, I could keep a roll(s) in my office and unwind some around my hand and put into my pocket for the trip to the bathroom. Maybe it is just time to stop babying my bum and let it toughen up.