Travel to India with CD

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Sep 6, 2011

I have a question regarding travelling. I am invited to an Indian wedding in the end of the year that I would very much like to go to.

The food I eat is generally "nice" to the stomach since a day or two of reckless eating can mess it up badly, thus I wonder what would happen if I'm exposed to 1) the bacterial culture in India and 2) the very spicy and different food there (from what I eat here)...

Does anyone have any experience on this topic? Any recommendations? I will speak to my doctor about it as well, but I'd like to hear from CD people who's been travelling to new, and for the stomach, exotic places.

Best wishes,
Hi Magnus, Indian weddings are quite an experience that go on for several days and the wedding food can be very oily and greasy which might make your crohn's flare up. You could always go and just not eat at the wedding !
When i go to India i usually take extra probiotics which seems to help.
I don't really have any recommendations, but I am very interested in hearing what others have to say as I am thinking of going to India at the end of next year.

When I went to Kenya and Tanzania my doctor suggested strongly that I take Travelan (Bovine Colostrum Powder) as he uses it himself when travelling to countries where travellers’ diarrhoea is common. I had some problems, but not enough to spoil the holiday and also have used it since when going to Morocco, Egypt and Ecuador.

I certainly won't be able to cope with the spicy food, nor the coconut that is common in food in the south of India. The breads should be OK and there is always my staple - rice. Perhaps I should take the vegemite.:D
Ask your doctor for medications and the dosages you might need if you flare while in India. You don't need a prescription in India, but you'll need to know specifically what to ask for. It's my dream to travel to India, and every time I go to my primary doc, we always talk about it (he's from there). He told me that when I go, he'll give me all the info I need regarding meds. He also told me to NEVER drink water unless it's from a bottle, and even then, make sure it's actually sealed. Apparently some people take used bottles, refill them, and re-sell them. You need to talk to your doc about vaccines as well. I believe Yellow Fever is a recommended vaccine and depending on your meds, it could be dangerous for you because it's a live vaccine. Either way, I'd go in a HEARTBEAT!!!!!!
My inlaws originally are all from India. Needless to say, I've already been to a wedding and a funeral and am looking to be more than likely at another wedding of one of my husband's cousins the end of august first of september. Unfortunately, I wish I could say it'll be easy to refuse eating whatever everyone else does. Plus, if you refuse their food, they'll take a big insult to your not eating their cooking. Make sure and take lots of antacid with you! Even when just visiting, both my husband and I get heartburn from the food. We have noticed that a piece or so of toast will help at least a bit. Good luck:)
Another thing, is that you'll be going into a temple and will be sitting on the floor rather than in a pew or chair. So, I'd bring some comfortable clothes for that along with some shoes that are easy to get on and off. Plus, heads also need to be covered with scarves. I'm not a real good one for this because no matter what, mine keeps falling off. But, I comply:)
I don't have any experience here... and I would be super nervous about going anywhere that is usually difficult for travelers in the digestive department. That being said, I'm sure you will be okay if you stay in a Westernized, modern hotel and are super careful about not consuming water, ice, raw veg, etc.

I don't know how Indian food here in America compares to "real" Indian food in India. But I will say that when I was really, really sick with my Crohn's, Indian food here was always in my "safe" category. The spices used in Indian food - curry, ginger, tumeric - are all highly anti-inflammatory and I always had a good day following an Indian meal for dinner.....

Good luck! I hope you are able to make the trip and you are able to enjoy it!

- Amy